theory test #2

  1. what is the antecubital space?
    • the hollow or depressed area in front of the elbow bend.
    • locates brachial pulse point
    • 1 inch above = cuff placement
    • correct arm position: fossa level with heart
  2. what is hypertension?
    what is the bp reading?
    is it symptomatic or asymptomatic?
    • abnormally high bp
    • at or above 140/90
    • asymptomatic "silent killer"
  3. what causes an increase in bp? (4)
    • exercise
    • eating
    • emotional disturbance (stress)
    • stimulants (caffeine)
  4. what are the korotkoff sounds?
    • series of sounds heard as the pressure in the sphygmomanometer cuff is released during measurement of the arterial blood pressure
    • (systolic, auscultatory gap, diastolic)
  5. what is the auscultation gap?
    a period of abnormal silence that occurs between korotkoff phases heard during the measurement of bp.
  6. what is the device called, used to measure bp?
  7. definition of systolic:
    • heart/ventricular contraction
    • highest pressure
    • clear tapping
  8. definition of diastolic:
    • ventricles relaxed and filled with blood
    • lowest pressure
    • sounds completely disappear
  9. what is the normal respiration rate range?
  10. what is the normal pulse range?
    60-100 BPM
  11. what is the tachycardia range?
    Pulse > 100 BPM
  12. what is the bradycardia range?
    Pulse < 50 BPM
  13. where is the site for taking a pulse?
    radial artery
  14. hypothermia is:
    less than 96 degrees F
  15. pyrexia is:
    greater than 99.5 degrees F
  16. what four things cause increased body temp?
    • exercise
    • hot drink
    • smoking
    • external heat
  17. what four things cause decreased body temp?
    • starvation
    • hemorrhage
    • physiological shock
    • hypothermia
  18. what are flat lesions?
    name 2 examples.
    • lesions the same level as the skin or mucosa
    • different color than surrounding tissue
    • macule/patch
  19. what size is a macule?
    what are three examples?
    what colors can they be?
    • less than 1 cm
    • freckles, petechia, amalgam tattoo
    • brown, black, red, or lighter than surrounding skin
  20. what is a depressed lesion?
    what size is a depressed lesion?
    what are the most common?
    • lesion below the normal level of the tissue.
    • less than 3 cm
    • most common are ulcers
  21. what is an ulcer and two examples?
    • a crater-like lesion of the tissue where the top two layers of the skin are lost.
    • apthous ulcers, chickenpox
  22. doing good for a benefit or enhanced wellness =
  23. the act of self-determination by persons with ability to make a choice or decision. exists for both the patient and hygienist
  24. avoidance of harm to others; a core value
  25. duty to tell the truth when the information is disclosed to patients about treatment
  26. what does ADPIE (dental hygiene process of care) stand for?
    • assessment
    • diagnosis
    • planning
    • implementation
    • evaluation
  27. what are cultural considerations? (3)
    • nonverbal
    • language
    • sensitivity
  28. what is primary prevention?
    • measures carried out so the disease does not occur; truly prevented
    • i.e. fluoride
  29. what is secondary prevention?
    • treatment of early disease to prevent further progress of potentially irreversible conditions, if not arrested, can lead to extensive rehabilitative treatment or loss of teeth.
    • i.e. removal of all calc
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theory test #2
theory test review #2