
  1. what are the organs of the alimentary canal
    mouth, pharynx, esaphagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
  2. what are the accessory organs?
    teeth, tongue, salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladder
  3. propulsion
    movement along the alimentary canal, swallowing, and peristalsis
  4. peristalsis
    the movement of food by a series of alternating waves of muscle contraction and relaxation
  5. peritoneum
    serious membrane which is a this, moistened sheet of lubricating tissue that coveres the walls of the body cavities and surfaces of organs
  6. parietal peritoneum
    lines the abdominopelvic cavity
  7. visceral peritoneum
    coveres most of the digestive organs
  8. peritoneal cavity
    the space between the pertitoneal membranes that contains fluid that helps lubricate
  9. vestibule
    area between cheeks and lips and teeth, oral cavity
  10. fauces
    opening of cavity into the pharynx. tonsils found along both sides of archway
  11. uvula
    helps close opening between pharynx and nasal cavity
  12. papillae
    provide friction to the tongue and contain tastebuds
  13. tooth decay prior to age 35
    streptococcus mutans bacteria
  14. tooth decay after age 35
    periodental disease (plaque yields gingevitis)
  15. lysozyme
    destrays bacteria to protect the mucous membrane
  16. parotid gland
    in cheeks and secretes salivary amylase
  17. submandibular gland
    inner surface of the jaw in floor of mouth secretes mucous
  18. salivary amylase
    begins chemical digestion of starch and glycogen. results in bolus
  19. pharynx divisions
    nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
  20. where does the esophagus penetrate the diaphragm
    esophagial hiatus
  21. what are the walls of the esophagus divided into
    inner mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, connective tissue
  22. what does the muscularis layer of the esophagus become?
    lower esophageal sphincter
  23. ruggae
    the folds of the stomach when it is empty
  24. what are the divisions of the stomach
    cardia, fundus, body, pyloris
  25. what does the cardia layer of the stomach do
    surrounds opening that receives food from the esaphagus
  26. what does the fundus layer of the stomach do
    temporary holding area for food
  27. what is the pylorus end of the stomach
    controls food entering into the small intestine through the pyloric sphincter
  28. what are the layers of the stomach wall
    mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
  29. what does the mucosa layer of the stomach do
    contains millions of little gastric pits which lead to gastric glands which secrete gastric juice (2/3 liters a day)
  30. what is gastric juice composed of
    digestive enzymes, mucous, and HCI
  31. pepsin
    protein splitting enzyme that begins breakdown of proteins
  32. where is the pancreatic juice secreted
    the small intestine
  33. what does the pancreatic juice do?
    helps neutralize acidity of gastric juices
  34. pancreatic amylase
    continues splitting carbohydrates via trypsin chymotripsin, and carboxypeptide
  35. pancreatic lipase
    splits fats into fatty acids and glycerol
  36. bile
    secreted by the liver and aids in digestion of fats
  37. what attaches the liver to the small intestine
    common bile duct
  38. liver cells
  39. phagocytic cells
    remove bacteria from blood arriving from digestive tract
  40. emulsifacation
    breaking down of fats into fat droplets by the liver hepatocytes
  41. bile helpstransport what accross the lining of the small intestine
    a, d, k, e and fatty acids
  42. what form lipoproteins
  43. what do high density lipoproteins do
    transport cholesterol from cells to liver
  44. what is viral hepatitis
    inflamation of the liver
  45. jaundice
    bilirobin has been deposited in the skin
  46. what are the trhee segments of the small intestine
    duodenum, jejunum, ileum
  47. where does the large intestine join the small intestine
    ileocecal valve
  48. what are the parts of a villus
    a blood cappilary and a a lacteal
  49. in a villus, where do sugars and amino acids enter
  50. in a villus, where do the fats enter
  51. what is the cecum
    in the large intestine, receives material from small intestine
Card Set
digestive system