- -"rebirth" of art & learning
- -bcs. of plague ppl saw death all around them and learned to cherish and live life
renaissance man
-a person who was physically, mentally, spiritually, & artisticly fit
-belief that emphasizes the potential of ppl to perfect themselves
christian humanists
-ppl can be perfected with the help of god or christ
- -Michelangelos David
- -sistine chapel ceiling=god blesses adam
leonardo da vinci
- -mona lisa
- -the last supper
- -known for being a brilliant engineer, inventor, & for his notebooks which were written in a "mirror-writting style"
-school of athens
-donatellos bronze "david"
william shakespeare
- -english playwrite & poet
- -romeo & juliet, julius ceasar, hamlet, othello, midsummer nights dream, etc.
elizabeth I
- -Elizabethan age=reign of elizabeth in england=time of english renaissance
- -personified or rep. the english renaissance bcs. of how versatile she was
- -queen
- -educated
- -artistic
- -military
abuses of the church
- -having sex when they had taken vows of chastity
- -living lavoushly
- -selling indulgences & relics for salvation instead of using the bible
- -miss rep. the bible
- -drunkness & gambling
martin luther
- -German guy who started studying law
- -promised to become a monk when caught in an electric storm
- -went to Wittenberg University where he was a professor & priest
- -against corruption but mostly selling of indulgences
- -went against John Tetzel
- -wanted to refom church, not break away-became known as reformation
95 theses
- -document that outlined luthers disagreements with the church in front of the Wittenburg Castle
- -salvation is by faith in christ alone, not good works
- -common person was = to pope in gods eyes
- -everyman could read & interperet bible and pray & approach god themselves
- -church doctrine should be bases on bible, not church tradition or ideas of the pope
diet of worms
- -luther put on trail before the diet of worms
- -found guilty & no one in germany was allowed to give him food or shelter=edict of worms?
protestants (Lutherans)
- -luthers supporters in N. Germany protested the diet of worms
- -became known as protestants
- -after luther ended protestant revolt he created his own church
henry VIII
- -him & rest of england are strongly catholic, pope called him defender of faith
- -doesnt have a son to be heir to throne & wife is to old to keep having kids
- -cant get a divorce & asks pope to innul his marriage, pope refuses
- -henry gets parliament to pass the Act of Supremecy
- -means pope has no power in england & king is head of church of englanc
- -Anglican church
- -grants himself a divorce
- -went through 5 more wives before he had son-Edward VI
- -baptising again as adults
- -an adult chooses to be baptized, a baby doesnt
- -broke away from Anglican church
- -became baptist church & quakers