When did the first large scale use of chemical agents occur?
WWI 1915 Germans released chlorine gas against allies in Ypres, Belgium
Approx. how much of U.S. casualties during WWI were due to chemical agents?
During a chemical attack, what is your first priority?
Your own survival so that you can treat casualties
What skin decon kit replaced the M258A1?
What is the first priority in First-Aid & decon. of casualties?
Control of massive hemorrhage
Each ship will have a minimum of how many decon. stations?
2 as hull design permits
Who maintains custody of the decon. supply cabinet?
DCA - Damage Control Assistant
How is it determined whether an agent is lethal or not?
Lethal agents result in a 10% or greater death rate among casualties
Pharmacologically, nerve agents are -
Cholinesterase inhibitors
Colorless to light brown liquid, odorless to faint sweetish or fruity vapor
Nerve agents
Atropine treats against what type of agent?
Give three examples of nerve agents
Tabun (GA), Sarin (GB), Soman (GD)
How long should an atropine autoinjector be held in place?
10 seconds
How long should you wait before giving a second set of nerve-agent atidotes?
10-15 minutes if symptoms still persist
Who is responsible for maintaining adequate supplies for decontamination?
The Medical Officer or Senior Med. Dept. Rep
How do nerve agents produce their affect?
By interfering with nerve impulses in the PNS
What part of the body is most sensitive to the effects of mustard gas?
What is the treatment against blood agents?
Amyl Nitrate ampules followed by IV Sodium thiosulfate/nitrate
Phosgene (CG) is a
Choking agent
The smell of fresh mown hay or grass is an indication of
Exposure to casualty producing amounts of Phosgene gas (CG)
Abnormal or inappropriate behavior may be only sign of expose to what type of agent?
Incapacitating (BZ)
What is the best treatment against riot control agents?
Fresh air
What type of agent produces pepper like irritation of upper respiratory tract and epes?
Vomiting - Adamsite (DM)
What is the best treatment for an Adamsite exposure?
Symptomatic and vigorous exercise/carrying out of duties
White Phosphorus injuries should be treated...
Copper sulfate rinse then surgical removal
What is the only way to detect the presence of biological agents?
Laboratory examination
What must be done if a water supply is believed to have been contaminated with a biological agent?
Boil it
How are thermal burns from a nuclear attack treated?
The same as regular burns
What is the recommended dosage of antibiotics for victims of radiation injuries?
3x the normal dosage
What categories of injuries can be sustained from a Nuclear blast?
Blast & Shockwave, burns, & ionizing radiation