Respiratory system

  1. If you were a air particle; find the pathway you will go through starting in the nasal cavity?
    Nasal cavity - pharynx - larynx - trachea - Primary - secondary - terciary - quatretiary bronchi - terminal bronchioles - alveolar ducts - alveolar sacks - alveoli.
  2. Where are the ethmoid sinuses located
    the ethmoid sinuses are not single large cavities but a collection of small air cells divided into anterior, middle, and posterior groups that open independently into the upper part of the nasal cavity.
  3. where are the maxillary sinuses located?
    they extend into the maxilla on either side of the nose.
  4. where are the sphenoid sinuses located?
    they Lie in the body of the sphenoid bone on either side of the midline in close proximity to the optic nerves and pituitary gland.
  5. where are the frontal siunuses located
    just above the orbitals on either side
  6. what are the 4 pairs of paranasal sinuses?
    • 1. Frontal
    • 2. Maxillary
    • 3. Ethmoid
    • 4. sphenoid
  7. The fital capacity is made up of the ? the ? and the ?
  8. Expiratory reserve volume is:
    1000-1200 ml
  9. Atmospheric pressure is mm of Hg.
  10. Lowering the diaphragm and expanding the rib cage the air pressure inside the lungs and forces air into/out of the lungs.
  11. the air flows down the bronchioles to the alveolar duct to the alveolar sac to the which is surrounded by pulmonary capillaries where teh actual gas exchange takes place.
  12. during inspiration, the rib cage muscles and the diaphragm..
    • Muscles relax
    • Diaphragm contracts.
  13. the trachea splits off into the left and right that then enter the lung..
    primary bronchi
  14. The longer the vocal folds the the tone of the voice.
  15. The sounds made by speaking are the result of air passing by the tissue of the causing vibration.
    vocal folds
  16. The nasal cavity connects to the wich conects to the which connects to the trachea.
    • 1. Pharynx
    • 2. Larynx
Card Set
Respiratory system
respiratory system