Which president is best known for his attempts to return power to the states?
Richard Nixon
Which provision allows cities a guarantee of noninterference in various local affairs by state governments?
home rule
Which level of government is not addressed in the Constitution?
According to the text, what is one of the important arguments for a strong federal government?
its role in ensuring equality
For three-quarters of American history, ____________ has/have done most of the fundamental governing.
state governments
The Internet Tax Freedom Act that prohibits states and localities from taxing Internet access services is a good example of
For most of U.S. history, the national government followed a strict interpretation of interstate commerce.
The 1996 Welfare Reform Act is an example of “New Federalism” because
it reduced the restrictions on how states spend grant money.
In contrast to __________ federalism that defined America until the 1930s, since the New Deal, ____________ federalism has prevailed.
dual; cooperative
The process of transferring more responsibilities of governing from the national level to the state level is known as
The meaning of the concept regulated federalism?
The national government sets standards of conduct or requires the states to set standards that meet national guidelines.
Gibbons v. Ogden in 1824 was important because it
gave the national government significant new authority to regulate interstate commerce.
The Constitution SPECIFICALLY grants Congress the power to do all of the following EXCEPT:
charter a national bank.
What is a grant-in-aid?
Money appropriated by the national Congress to state and local governments
Which of the following best exemplifies the doctrine of preemption?
federal criminalization of marijuana, even when states or cities allow medicinal use
The New Deal of the 1930s signaled the rise of
a more active national government.
One benefit of having a federal system is that
states can act as laboratories of democracy.
- states have different needs and concerns.
- it gives state and local governments more flexibility to handle problems
Which of the following statements best captures the meaning of the concept devolution of authority?
The national government grants the states more authority over a range of policies.
By the year 1932, ____________ percent of the U.S. workforce was unemployed.
Why did the framers of the Constitution limit the power of the federal government?
They were suspicious of centralized power.
During the course of American history, the federal government has _______ compared with the states.
grown stronger
The era of "New Federalism" began in the
States' rights advocates argue that
states do not have to submit to national laws when they believe the national government exceeds its authority.
Which of the following is a “traditional” area of national government responsibility?
Over the course of American history, the federal government has _______ compared with state government.
grown stronger
By 2008, how many states had some spousal rights for same sex partners via gay marriage or civil unions?
Regulations or new conditions for receiving grants that impose costs on state and local governments for which they are not reimbursed by the national
unfunded mandates.
"State governments experiment with different policies to find measures that best meet the needs and desires of their citizens." This quote from your text best reflects which of these statements?
State governments can be viewed as laboratories of democracy.
The division of powers and functions between the national government and state governments is the definition of
Especially since the New Deal in the 1930s, ____________ has/have played a much more prominent role in protecting liberty and promoting equality.
the national government
Which of the following best represents a unitary system of government?
The national government selects the textbooks and curriculum for all schools.
McCulloch v. Maryland is an important case because
the Court interpreted the delegated powers of Congress broadly, creating the potential for increased national powers.
What is the purpose of the Tenth Amendment?
to limit the powers of the central government by establishing reserved powers for states and individuals
Implied powers or the necessary and proper clause allows
the national government to interpret its delegated powers expansively.
Which type of grant provides more control to state and local governments in the distribution of federal grants-in-aid?
The power to declare war is an example of which type of power?
Which of the following statements about federalism is true?
The U.S. system of federalism allows substantial inequalities to exist across the country.
When a state's laws conflict with federal law on international trade issues,
the national government law is supreme, so the state law is invalid.
Most of the rules and regulations Americans face in their daily lives are set by
state and local governments.
The Supreme Court ruling in United States v. Lopez is important because
it was the first time since the New Deal that the Supreme Court limited the power of Congress under the commerce clause.
Specific powers provided to the national government in the U.S. Constitution are called ____________ powers.