embolism 2

  1. 8 contributing factors to DVT
    • age: greater than 70 years old
    • obesity
    • CHF
    • malignancy
    • burns
    • estrogen-containing drugs (birth control pills)
    • post-op
    • postpartum
  2. death of lung tissure following loss of blood supply from a pulm embolism
    pulmonary infarction
  3. occurs rarely due to lung tissue receiving oxygen from three sources
    • directly from airway
    • perfusion part the embolus
    • collateral blood flow via bronchial arteries
  4. infarction requires loss of at least how many os the sources
    at least 2 sources
  5. most common in patients w/ pre-existing pulm disease or CHF
  6. mechanical occlusion of pulm artery results in
    nonperfusion of a portion of the lung
  7. pulm embolism can be called
    deadspace disease
  8. blood flow is shunted to other perfused lung areas which
    increases v/q mismatching
  9. increases A-a gradient results in
  10. reduction in cardiac output further contributes to
    decreases oxygen content
  11. surfactant is lost shortly after
    occlusion of pulm artery
  12. alteration in PAP pulm artery pressure degree is dependent upon severity of
  13. PAP increased work on the
    right ventricle which could fail if occlusion is >50%
  14. PAP left ventricle cardiac output could fail T/F?
  15. dissolution of clot
    fibrinolysis (tissue plasminogen activator TPA)
  16. fibrinolytic factors can be found in
    • blood
    • endothelium of intima - innermost coat of a blood vessel
  17. organization of thrombus eliminates portion of
    clot not removed by fibrinolysis
  18. organization of thrombus is slower process than
  19. resolution of clot and return to patency takes (usually) from
    7 to 10 days
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embolism 2
embolism 2