PSY200 Test #1

  1. Computerized Tomography Scan(CT Scan)
    Multiple x-rays are shot from many different angles, and the computer combines the readings to create a vivid image of horizontal slice of the brain.
  2. (Positron Emission Tomography) PET Scan
    Examines brain function, mapping actual activity in the brain over-time
  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
    Uses magnetic fields, radio waves, and computerized enhancement to map out brain structure.
  4. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
    Monitors blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain to identify area's of high activity- High resolution.
  5. Hindbrain
    Includes the cerebellum, medulla, and the pons
  6. Cerebellum
    Structure that coordinates fine muscle movement/ balance
  7. Medulla
    Responsible for regulating largely unconscious functions such as breathing and circulation of blood.
  8. Pons
    Involved in sleep and arousal
  9. Midbrain
    Lies between the hindbrain and forebrain- Integrates sensory processes such as vision and hearing.
  10. Reticular Formation
    Runs through both the hindbrain and midbrain- Contributes to the modulation of muscle reflexes, breathing, and pain perception.
  11. Forebrain
    Includes the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the limbic system, and the cerebrum
  12. Thalamus
    Structure in which all sensory information must pass to get to the cerebral cortex- handles incoming and outgoing signals
  13. Hypothalamus
    Responsible for regulating basic biological needs: hunger, thirst, temperature control.
  14. Endocrine System
    A network of hormone producing glands
  15. Limbic system
    Involved in the regulation of emotion, memory, and motivation.
  16. Hippocampus
    Part of limbic system involved in learning and memory.
  17. Hippocampus
    Part of limbic system involved in learning and memory
  18. Amyglada
    Part of limbic system involved in emotion and aggression.
  19. Cerebrum
    Responsible for sensing, thinking, learning, emotion, consciences, and voluntary movement.
  20. Corpus Callosum
    Band of fibers that is the communication bridge between the right and left halves of the brain.
  21. Occipital Lobe
    At the back of the head- Includes the cortical area where most visual signals are sent and visual process is begun.
  22. Parietal Lobe
    Forward of the occipital lobe- includes the area that registers sense of touch (primary somatosensory cortex). Also involved in integrating visual input and monitoring body's position in space.
  23. Primary Somatosensory Cortex (sensory cortex)
    Sense of touch- various sections of this area recieve signals from different regions of the body
  24. Temporal Lobe
    Below the parietal lobe- Deals with auditory processing
  25. Frontal Lobe
    At front- Contains the primary motor cortex(motor cortex) which controls movement of muscles. Contains prefrontal cortex.
  26. Prefrontal Cortex
    Involved with working memory, memory for sequences of events, and reasoning about relations between objects and events.
  27. Spinal Cord
    Responsible for transmitting information between brain and rest of body- handles simple reflexes
  28. Motor Cortex
    Controls movement of muscles.
  29. Pituitary Gland
    Master gland that regulates other endocrine glands.
  30. Peripheral Nervous System
    Made up of all the nerves that lie outside the brain and spinal cord. Subdivided into the Somatic nervous system and Autonomic nervous system.
  31. Somatic Nervous System
    Made up of nerves that connect to voluntary skeletal muscles and to sensory receptors.
  32. Afferent Nerve Fibers
    Axons that carry information inward to the central nervous system.
  33. Efferent Nerve Fibers
    Axons that carry information outward from the central nervous system.
  34. Autonomic Nervous System
    Made of nerves that connect to the heart, blood vessels, smooth muscles, and glands. (You feel someone is following you- heart rate and breathing increases)
  35. Central Nervous System
    Consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
  36. Meninges
    Protective sheaths covering the brain and spinal cord.
  37. Parasympathetic Division
    Branch of the autonomic nervous system that conserves bodily resources.
  38. Sympathetic Division
    Branch of the autonomic nervous system that mobilizes resources for emergencies.
  39. Broca's Area
    Involved in speech production
  40. Wernicke's Area
    Involved in language comprehension.
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PSY200 Test #1
PSY 200 Test #1 The Brain