Anatomy of a cat 2

  1. A flat muscle which lies ventrad the levator scapulae ventralis and posterior to the clavobrachialis.
  2. Sometimes referred to as the superior trapezuis, a wide muscle which lies just posterior to the clavotrapezius.
  3. A large flat muscle lying posterior to the trapezius muscles. The most prominent of the superficial muscles of the shoulder region.
    Latissimus Dorsi
  4. On the lateral side of the anterior shoulder region. Can be observed lying between the clavotrapezius and acromiotrapezius muscles.
    Levator scapulae ventralis
  5. What muscle lies over the head of the humerus. It is ventrad the acromiotrapezuis and between that muscle and the acromiodeltoid.
  6. The most posterior of the three trapezius muscles, it is a flat, triangular muscle with a broad origin.
  7. What muscle occupies the greater part of the infraspinous fossa of the scapula. It is somewhat posterior in relation to the spinotrapezius muscle and largely covered by the latissimus dorsi.
  8. What muscle lies inderneaththe scapula, between it and the body wall. It is situated directly caudad the levator scapulae.
    Serratus Anterior
  9. The large, triangular muscle on the under, or medial, surface of the scapula.
  10. What muscle lies under the acromiotrapezius, covers most of the anterior, or supraspinous fossa of the scapula.
  11. Covering the caudal border of the scapula, it lies directly behind the infraspinatus.
    Teres Major
  12. What muscle lies in the outer part of the spaces between adjacent ribs. They are not present between the costal cartilages of the first seven or eight ribs.
    External Intercostals
  13. What muscles lie directly beneath the external intercostals. The muscle fibers course in a direction almost at right angles to those of the external intercostals.
    Internal Intercostals
  14. What muscle lies beneath the heavy fascia covering the lumbar region. It fills up most of the space between the neural spines and transverse processes of the caudal sacral, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical vertebrae up to the atrlas.
    Longissimus dorsi
  15. A thick muscle lying along the anterior portion of the upper arm. In man this muscle has two heads, but in the cat there is only one.
    Biceps brachii
  16. The largest and most conspicuous of the muscles of the upper arm of the cat. It is composed of three main parts, or heads, all of which insert by means of a common tendon.
    Triceps Brachii
  17. What muscle has three main parts or heads, the long head is located along the posterior part of the upper arm, the lateral head being directly anterior to it on the lateral surface. The medial head lies under the other two and may, be observed only by spreading apart the long and lateral heads.
    Triceps Brachii
  18. A large muscle in front of the semimembranosus, lying between the latter muscle and the femor.
    Adductor Femoris
  19. A relatively small muscle overlapping the upper margin of the adductor femoris and running parallel to it
    Adductor Longus
  20. The largest muscle on the lateral side of the thigh. It covers the caudal two-thirds of this portion of the leg.
    Biceps Femoris
  21. What muscle lies just anterior to the proximal end of the biceps femoris and is largely covered by it. Just distad the greater trochanter the muscle passes into a very narrow tendon.
  22. A short muscle that lies cranid the caudofemoralis which partly overlaps it.
    Guteus Maximus
  23. Under the tensor fasciae latae and almost entirely covered by it, is a short, thick, sturdy muscle.
    Gluteus Medius
  24. What muscle covers the medial surface of the thigh.
  25. The fibers of this muscle ran parallel to those of the adductor longus along its upper border. The two muscles are frequently united.
  26. A long round muscle visible only from a medial view. Lies next to the vastus lateralis and is partially covered by it.
    Rectus Femoris
  27. From a lateral view this muscle appears as a thin band extending all along the cephalic border of the thigh. From a medial view, it is seen to be a broad, flat muscle covering almost half of the medial surface of the thigh.
  28. A thick muscle usually separable into two large masses, lies in front of the semitendinosus.
  29. The caudal border of the thigh is formed by a long muscle.
  30. A rather large muscle on the proximal cephilic face of the upper leg.
    Tensor fasciae latae
  31. A very slender muscle lies just beneath the biceps femoris and is closely adherent to it. This muscle is sometimes altogether lacking.
  32. This muscle is entirely covered by the other three parts of the quadriceps femoris, it is not visible unless they are cut or removed.
    Vastus Intermedius
  33. This portion of the quadriceps formoris forms the intire lateral face of the muscle mass.
    Vastus Lateralis
  34. What muscle lies intirely on the medial side of the leg next to the rectus femoris
    Vastus Medialis
  35. This muscle forms most of the muscle mass making up the calf. It arises from medial and lateral heads which have a common insertion.
Card Set
Anatomy of a cat 2
muscles of the shoulder, neck, thoracic wall, back, upper arm and leg.