Chapter 10

  1. During a convention, the delegates of the two parties
    tend to push their nominees and positions away from each other to emphasize their differences as in the
    responsible party model
  2. Citizen control of the agenda is facilitated primarily by which of the following?
  3. Which of these must occur for the prospective voting model to work?

    -Each of the two parties must be cohesive and unified.
    all of the above are correct
  4. The electoral competition model is also known as the
    median voter model
  5. Sparse and ambiguous treatment of policy issues and
    the emphasis on past performance and personal competence fits better
    with which of the following models?
    electoral reward and punishment
  6. Which of the following is an assumption of the electoral reward and punishment voting model?
    Politicians who want to stay in office have strong incentives to bring about peace and prosperity.
  7. Which of the following problems besets not only the
    responsible party model and the electoral competition model, but also the electoral reward and punishment model?
    • The campaign strategies of the candidates involved
    • in the election are considered to be less important than their party affiliation.
  8. When Franklin D. Roosevelt won the 1932 election and interpreted it as a mandate for immediate and far-reaching change by the
    government to meet the crisis of the Great Depression, this would fall under the _______ level of the analytical framework.
  9. T/F If electoral competition drives parties together
    towards the median of public opinion, then, in theory, it should not matter which party wins because the winner will enact the policies that most voters want.
  10. Which of the following is NOT a factor that distinguishes U.S. elections from those of other countries?
    In the United States, Election Day is a national holiday.
  11. What does the saying refer to when the United States is known as "election happy"?
    The United States has more elections than any other democratic country in the world.
  12. T/F One of the first barriers to voting to come down in
    the early years of the United States was that of denying the vote to people of certain religious beliefs.
  13. Which of these is an example of conventional participation?
    writing a letter to the editor of a newspaper on political issues
  14. Which of these was the first barrier to fall in the United States' journey towards universal suffrage?
    Property, tax-paying, and religious requirements were dropped in most states.
  15. What does VAP stand for?
    voting age population
  16. Compared to other modern industrialized countries, voting turnout in the United States is
    much lower
  17. Which amendment gave people the ability to elect senators directly?
    17th amendment
  18. Which of the following factors best explains why the United States has such a low voter turnout?
    cumbersome registration laws reduce turnout
  19. What is the system for selecting delegates to the
    national party conventions characterized by neighborhood and area-wide
    meetings of party supporters and activists known as?
    caucus nominating system
  20. T/F In the United States, citizens are required to vote.
  21. What has caused the recent decrease in the proportion of the voting age population's eligibility?
    recent influx of immigrants
  22. All of these expenditures must be recorded and reported to the Federal Election Commission EXCEPT

    -money spent by a candidate on pre-convention electioneering.
    money spent by private associations on activities that closely parallel presidential campaigns.
  23. What is the "Great Mentioner"?
    a method used by presidential candidates to see if people will support them before they decide to run
  24. When does a candidate win a plurality?
    when he/she wins more votes than any other candidate but less than a majority of all votes cast
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Chapter 10