Ch 9

  1. Another term for a party's core supporters is
    party's base
  2. Which of the following is a way in which political parties can encourage popular sovereignty and political equality?

    -they can make officeholders more accountable when things go wrong
    all of the above
  3. In a purely proportional representation system, which type of parties would stand to gain?
    very small parties
  4. Which countries come closest to having a pure proportional representation (PR) system?
    israel and netherlands
  5. T/F In a perfect proportional representation system, a
    party winning 60 percent of the vote would get 51 percent of the seats,
    and the parties that combined to 40 percent of the vote would get 49
    percent of the seats.
  6. T/F The United States comes closer to having a "pure" two-party system than any other nation in the world.
  7. The "second party system" was a struggle for power between
    Democrats and Whigs
  8. When did the Republicans and Democrats first find themselves roughly balanced in national politics?
    after Reconstruction
  9. The Party System of 1896 resulted in
    36 years of Republican dominance
  10. Which of these groups was NOT part of the New Deal coalition?
    business interests
  11. the 6th party system was one of
  12. T/F Minor parties have played a less important role in the United States than in virtually any other democratic nation.
  13. How do winner-take-all, single-member district election structures discourage minor party efforts?
    Failure to win a plurality leaves a minor party with no representation at all.
  14. Where are third or minor parties most successful in the United States?
    all state/local levels
  15. How can the structure of the Republican and the Democratic parties be described?
    as a loose collection of local and state parties, campaign committees, candidates, and officeholders
  16. Which type of political parties most resembles advocacy groups?
    single issue parties
  17. Single-issue parties are barely indistinguishable from what?
    advocacy groups
  18. Which of the following statements best describes the organizational structure of American political parties?
    • Each level of the party is relatively independent
    • and acts in concert with others, not on the basis of orders, but on the
    • basis of common interests, such as the desire to win elections.
  19. What is the state of national party committees?
    active and well financed
  20. Why aren't ideological contests in America like those in Europe?
    most Americans share same fundamental beliefs
  21. The belief that the federal government should play a substantial role in economic regulation and social welfare is known as
  22. One major way that the Democratic and Republican parties differ is
    in how they are perceived by the people
  23. T/F The national party conventions are the governing bodies of American political parties.
  24. T/F Congressional campaign committees help identify quality candidates in competitive districts and states.
  25. disadvantage of a divded 2 party government system is
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Ch 9