Interpersonal Communication Chapter 8

  1. Verbal aggression
    The tendency to attack others self concepts rather than their positions on topics of conversation
  2. Defensive communication
    Incompetent messages delivered in response to suggestions, criticism, or perceived slights
  3. Communication plans
    Mental maps that describe exactly how communication encounters will unfold
  4. Communication apprehension
    Fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with another person or persons
  5. Rhetorical messages
    Signal an attempt to answer the question "How can I best talk about this situation so that the problems we are facing can be solved?"
  6. Conventional messages
    Emphasize the achievement of instrumental goals in a situation
  7. Expressive messages
    To convey what you think and feel so others know what you think and feel
  8. Ethics
    Communication decisions are driven by a set of standards regarding moral behavior
  9. Effectiveness
    The ability to use communication to accomplish interpersonal goals
  10. Low self monitors
    People who are not sensitive to level of appropriateness
  11. High self monitors
    People who are highly sensitive to appropriateness and adapt their communication accordingly
  12. Communication skills
    Repeatable goal directed behaviors and behavioral patterns that you routinely practice in your interpersonal encounters and relationships
  13. Interpersonal communication competence
    • Consistently communicating in 3 ways-
    • Appropriateness
    • Effectiveness
    • Ethics
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Interpersonal Communication Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Vocab