Music #3

  1. a large-scale musical work for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra based on a biblical story and performed in a church or hall without scenery, costumes, or acting.
  2. a three part A-B-A' form and the composer usually did not write out the third part, since it duplicated the first.
    da capo aria
  3. a work for one or more solo vocalists with instrumental accompaniment (chorus was later added to the genre).
  4. a recurring hymn tune
  5. a concerto for solo instrument and an accompanying instrumental group
    solo concerto
  6. based on the opposition between a small group of instruments, the concertino, and a larger group, the tutti, or ripeno.
    concerto grosso
  7. small group of instruments
  8. large group of instruments
    ripieno (the tutti)
  9. refrain that returns again and again (representing the general mood of spring) in alternation with the episodes, which often feature the solo violin.
  10. German, in quadruple meter at a moderate tempo
  11. French, triple meter at a moderate tempo
  12. Spanish, a stately dance in triple meter
  13. optional dances
    minuet and hornpipe
  14. English, in a lively 6/8 or 6/4
  15. had plucked strings and its tone could not be sustained
  16. a contrapuntal composition in which a single theme pervades the entire fabric, entering in one voice and then another.
  17. main theme of the fugue stated alone at the beginning in one of the voices
  18. imitated in another voice while the first often continues with a countertheme
  19. the first section of the fugue
  20. longer time values, often twice as slow as the original
  21. shorter time values that are faster than the original
  22. pitches started backwards
  23. pitches turned upside down, moving by the same intervals but in the opposite direction
  24. a movement that establishes a home key, then moves to another key, and ultimately returns to the home key.
    sonata form
  25. opening section of sonata form
  26. conflict and action and the essence of drama in sonata form
  27. the restatement is the psychological climax of sonata form
  28. an extension of the closing idea that leads us to the final cadence in the home key in sonata form
  29. the theme is clearly stated at the outset and serves as the point of departure in this form
    theme and variations form
  30. solo player embellishes a popular tone with a series of decorative flourishes.
    melodic variation
  31. the chords that accompany a melody are replaces by others, perhaps shifting from major to minor mode
    harmonic variation
  32. note lengths, meter, or tempo can be changed
    rhythmic variation
  33. form based on the recurrence of a musical idea in alternation with contrasting episodes
    sonata-rondo form
  34. two violins, a viola and a cello
    string quartet
  35. one of the principal instrumental genres of the classical era set in the standard four movement structure
  36. how many movements does the classical concerto have?
  37. a fanciful solo passage in the manner of an improvisation that, toward the end, interrupts the movement
  38. piano solo of for two instruments, an important genre for amateurs in the home, as well as for composers performing their own music at concerts
    classical sonata
  39. "serious" or tragic Italian opera, a highly formalized genre inherited from the Baroque consisting mainly of recitatives and arias specifically designed to display the virtuosity of star singers to the aristocracy
    opera seria
  40. genre of Handel, Water Music, Suite in D major
    dance suite
  41. Who wrote the chorale tune Bach, Cantata No. 80 A Might Fortress Is Our God is based on?
    Martin Luther
  42. What is Bach, Cantata No. 80 A Might Fortress Is Our God's genre?
  43. Mozart, Eine kleine Nachtmusik genre? & form of the 1st movement?
    idk and sanata form
  44. Haydn, Symphony No. 94 (Surprise) form of the 2nd movement?
    theme and variation
  45. Beethoven, Piano Sonata in C# minor (Moonlight) form of the 1st movement?
    sonata form
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Music #3