Chapter 10 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  1. Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • -emotional and behavioral dysfunction is caused by patterns of inaccurate/maladaptive/dysfunctional interpretations,beliefs,and thoughts
    • -it is not actual events that occur, so much as our beliefs about them
    • -main goal- change thinking to be more realistic/adaptive/functional (cognitive restructuring)
  2. Cognitive Therapies
    • -Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
    • -Cognitive Therapy
    • -Cognitive Behavior Modification Therapy
  3. Characteristics of Therapy
    • -different for each therapy
    • -teacher-student relationship
    • -focus on present
    • -short-term
    • -homework
    • -self-monitoring
  4. REBT Albert Ellis
    • -a-b-c theory
    • -A= activating event
    • -B=belief/interpretations
    • -C=emotional/behavioral consequences
  5. REBT beliefs
    • -learn irrational beliefs from parents in childhood, but maintain them on our own
    • -we unconsciously act to confirm our false beliefs
    • -people judge behaviors as good/bad and then mislabel themselves as good/bad
    • -goal- unconditional self-acceptance and unconditional other acceptance
  6. Cognitive Exercises
    -cognitive reconstructing, homework
  7. Emotive Exercises
    -shame attacking exercises, role playing
  8. Behavioral Exercises
    -operant conditioning, systematic desentiziation
  9. Cognitive Therapy -Aaron Beck
    • -we have automatic thoughts related to core beliefs
    • -downward arrow technique (what is your automatic thought? If it was true what would it mean?)
    • -i am worthless/unlovable/incompetent
    • -cognitive distortions- systematic errors in our thinking
    • -identify errors in our thinking
    • -cognitive restructuring- whats the evidence for ___
  10. Cognitive Behavioral Modification -Donald Meichenbaum
    • -we have an internal self-dialogue
    • -self-instructural training
    • -becoming aware of self-talk
    • -starting a new internal dialogue
    • -learning new skills
    • -coping skills programs
    • -test anxiety, public speaking, stress
    • -exposure to anxiety-provoking sit
    • -evaluate cognitions and anxiety level and reevaluate
  11. Combining Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions

    CBT for depression
    • -cause- lack of reinforcement from environment and downward spiral
    • -learned helplessness
    • -begin to interpret world as less supportive,and yourself as less competent/loveable
    • -cognitive distortions
    • -negative cognitive triad- self, environment, future
    • -negative attribution style
    • -internal vs. external
    • -global vs. specific
    • -stable vs. unstable
    • -negative events are internal, stable, and global
  12. Treatment
    • -add postive activities that are likely to be successes
    • -provide social skills training to increase chance of success
    • -identify and correct errors in thinking
    • -whats the evidence for my belief? is there another explanation?
    • -anchoring- think of someone who is really horrible
  13. CBT for Anxiety
    • CAUSES: cognitive- overestimation of danger
    • -behavioral- avoidance of dangerous situations never allows you to disconfirm negative belief
  14. Treatment
    • -make cognitions more accurate
    • -what are you afraid of happening? Chances of it happening? How bad would it be if it did happen? Could you cope?
  15. CBT for Panic Disorder
    • -misinterpretation of physiological sensations as dangerous
    • -avoidance of sensations
  16. Treatment
    • -interoceptive exposure- experience sensations and say is it actually dangerous?
    • -exercise to get heart beating
  17. CBT for OCD
    • -misinterpretation of obsession as controllable -> guilt -> avoidance
    • -compulsion is believed to be the only way to reduce anxiety
  18. Treatment
    • -thought habituation
    • -exposure and response prevention
  19. Strengths
    • -empirically validated
    • -very effective
    • -short-term, cost effective
    • -long term effects
    • -able to be used by a variety of approaches
  20. Weaknesses
    • -lots of training
    • -who decides what is dysfunctional
    • -superficial
    • -feelings are ignored
    • -past is not focused on
    • -unconscious not included
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Chapter 10 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Chapter 10 Cognitive Behavioral therapy