purus, a, um
spotless, clean, plain white
to assume (put on for the first time)
invitaverat ut
he had invited (them) to
limen, liminis, n.
threshold, doorway
oro, are, avi, atus
to beg
ne se dimitteret
not to send them away
impero, are, avi, atus +dat.
to order
Lares, Larum, m. pl.
household gods
familiaris, is, e
belonging to the family
praecipio, praecipere, praecepi, praeceptus + dat.
to instruct
dimitto, dimittere, dimisi, dimissus
to send away
comitor, ari, atus sum
to accompany
erat inscribendum
had to be registered
gratias agere + dat.
to thank
benevolentia, ae, f.
amplector, amplecti, amplexus sum
to embrace