Pathophys Exam 2

  1. 5 most common IDs
    • Bacteria
    • Viruses
    • Prions
    • Fungi
    • Parasites
  2. Endogenous source
    from host's own microbial flora
  3. Exogenous source
    • most common
    • comes from some other source
  4. Fomite
    inanimate object carrying an ID
  5. nosocomial
    aquired in the hospital
  6. 8th leading cause of death
    influenza and pneumonia
  7. 10th cause of death
  8. 6 Pathophysiological steps of ID
    • 1. microbial encounter and entry into the host.
    • 2. microbial growth after entry
    • 3. avoidance of innate host defenses.
    • 4. tissue invasion and topism
    • 5. tissue damage
    • 6. transmission to a new host
  9. Adhesins
    • anchor pathogen to host's cells
    • may lead to immune response
  10. Tissue tropism
    describes the cells and tissues of a host which support the growth of a particular microbe
  11. virulence factors
    enhance ability to cause disease
  12. Examples of virulence factors
    • toxins
    • adhesion factors
    • evasive factors
    • invasive factors
  13. Normal WBC
    4500 to 10,000
  14. nonspecific indicators of inflammation
    • erythrocyte sedimentation rate
    • c-reactive protein
  15. MIC
    • minimal inhibitory concentration
    • lowest antimicrobial concentration that prevents visible growth after 24 hours of incubation
  16. 3 categories o fdrugs for bacteria
    • affect bacterial cell wall
    • affect protein synthesis
    • affect DNA synthysis
Card Set
Pathophys Exam 2
Infectious Diseases