disorder caused by the inability of the immune system to distinguish self antigens from foreign antigens.
- autoimmune disorders
- result in tissue damange
- may affect any cell in the body
common autoimmune disorders
- type I diabetes
- crohn's/ulcerative colitis
- myasthenia gravis
- multiple sclerosis
- Hashimoto thyroiditis/graves disease
- rheumatoid arthritis
- lupus
Etiology of autoimmune disorders
- unknown
- genetic suceptibility
- environmental factors
Most common autoimmune disorders
- rheumatoid arthritis
- thyroiditis
- more common in women (estrogen stiumlates immune fx)
- ~5% of the population of western coutnries
Immune tolerance
- ability of the immune system to distinguish self from non-self
- Human leukocyte antigens
- Accomplished by removing self reactive cells
Proposed mechanisms of loss of self tolerance
- loss of t cell anergy
- release of sequestered antigens and epitope reading
- molecular mimicry
- superantigens
- abnormal immunoregulatory mechanisms
Clinical presentation of autoimmune disorders
depends on the tissues damaged by immune response
Diagnosis of an autoimmune disorder
serological testing
non pharmacological treatment of autoimmune disorders
pharmacologic treatment of autoimmune disorders
- immunosuppressive drugs
- cordicosteroids, monoclonal antibodies
- cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, tacrolimus
disorders in which there is an inappropriate or excessive immune system response
Hypersensitivity disorders
IgE mediated hypersensitivity
Type 1 hypersensitivity
Antibody mediated hypersensitivity
type II hypersensitivity
complement mdiated hypersensitivity
type III hypersensitivity
cell mediated hypersensitivity
type IV hypersensitivity
cause of Type I hypersensitivity
hypersensitivity reactions represent about _____ of all adverse drug reactions.
ADRs affect _____ of hospitalized patients and more than ____ of the population
Clinical presentation of systemic Type I hypersensitivity
clinical presentation of atopic type I reaction
- sneezing, itching
- watery nose/eyes
- malaise, fatigue
- headache
- dermatitis
non-pharmacologic treatment of Type I reactions
- avoidance of antigen
- airway maintenance
- education and medical alert bracelet
pharmacologic treatment for type I reactions
- epinephrine
- antihistamines/decongestants
- corticosteroids and cromolyn
- allergy shot desensitization
mechanism of cromolyn
stabilize mast cells
Abnormality of immune system that renders a person susceptible to diseases normally prevented by the immune system
primary immunodeficiency
congenital or inherited
secondary immunodeficiency
HIV infects
- CD4 T Lymphocytes
- Macrophages
- Dendritic Cells
AIDS is associated with
- sever immunosuppression
- opportunistic infections
- malignancies
- wasting
- CNS degeneration
Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS
- ~40 million people worldwide
- 2.9 million deaths in 2006
- 50% of new infections in women and young people
- Eastern europe and central asia
Horizontal transmission of HIV
fluid exchange
Verticle transmission
from mother to child
time before symptoms of HIV occur
1-3 months
Steps of HIV infection of cells
- 1. Binding to CD4 site
- 2. Entry of virus into cell
- 3. Reversetranscription of RNA from Virus
- 4. DNA incorporated into host DNA
- 5. DNA transcribed to mRNA
- 6. Protease cleaves DNA
- 7. New virus formed
- 8. Virus buds off of cell
The 4th stage where viral DNA is incorporated into the host DNA
Provirus Stage
Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS
- HIV replication leads to death of CD4 cells
- CD4 count is depeleated
- Pt. loses the ability to initiate an immune response
- infection occurs in 3 stages over 8-12 years.
Primary HIV/AIDS stage
- occurs 1-4 weeks after exposure
- lasts for 7-10 days
- fever, fatigue, myalgias, sore throat, night sweats, GI issues, headache, rash, lymphadenopathy
secondary HIV/AIDS stage (latency)
- lasts around 10 years
- no signs or symptoms
tertiary stage of HIV/AIDS (overt)
- CD4 count <200 cells/microL
- opportunistic infections
- CNS disorders
- malignancies
- wasting/metabolic disorders
ELISA test
- enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
- detects HIV antibodies
- high false positive rates
Western blot assay
- more specific than ELISA
- used to confirm diagnosis
AIDS is diagnosed when
CD4 count is <200 and/or pt developes an AIDS defining illness
Non-pharmacologic treatment of AIDS/HIV
Nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
- Protease Inhibitor
- inhibits cleaving replicated proteins into new viruses
- Fusion Inhibitor
- prevents viral fusion with CD4 receptors
- Integrase strand transfer inhibitor
- blocks integration of DNA into host DNA
Goal of HIV/AIDS therapy
- reduce amount of virus in the body
- inhibit or suppress viral replication
Highly active antiretroviral therapy
3 types of regimens for treatment of naive patients
- PI + 2 NRTI