Assessment - musculoskeletal

  1. Synarthrosis
    • Imovable
    • May fuse over time
    • ex. bones of skull
  2. Amphiarthrosis
    • Slightly moveable
    • ex tibia fibula
  3. Diarthrosis (synovial)
    • Freely movable
    • 3 planes of movement
  4. Monaxial movement
    movement in one plane (forward backward)
  5. Biaxial
    • Movement in two planes
    • Forward backward/left right
  6. Triaxial
    Forward, backward, left right rotation
  7. Movement of a joint in a circular motion without involvement of a rotational movement
  8. lateral/outward rotation
    external rotation
  9. Medial or inward rotation
    inward rotation
  10. turn wrist and hand from palm facing front to palm facing back
  11. Turns wrist and hand from palm facing back to facing front
  12. Extention of ankle joing and elevation of the heal
    Plantar flexion
  13. Moving a body part anteriorly in the horizontal plane
  14. Moving a body part posteriorly in the horizontal plane
  15. Movement of a structure in a superior direction
  16. Movement of a struction in an infeior direction
  17. Sideward/bending movement of the vertebral colum
    Lateral flexion
  18. dull, deep throbbing pain
    Bone pain
  19. pain decreases with motino of affected part
    Rheumatoid arthritis
  20. Increases risk for osteopororis or osteomyelitis
    • DM
    • Sickel cell anemia
    • Systemic lupus
    • Erythematosus
    • Osteoporosis
  21. Familial tendency to develop these conditions
    • RA
    • Gout
    • Osteoporosis
  22. meds effecting muscle integ
    • Steroids
    • Statins
    • Depo
  23. Med alters electrolyte imbalance elading to muscle weakness
  24. Phalen's test tests what?
    Carpel tunnel
  25. Decreased ROM and crepitation seen in
  26. Decreased strength and resistance seen in
    muscle and joint disease
  27. Hyperextenstion of metatarsophalangeal joing, flextion of proximal interphalangeal joint
    hammer toe
  28. Acute tender, painful swollen stiff joints
    Acute rhematoid arthritis
  29. Swelling and thickening of metacaropphalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints
    Chronic RA
  30. Limited ROM
    Chronic RA
  31. Linger deviation toward ulnar side
    Chronic RA
  32. Boutonniere and swan neck deformities
    Chronic RA
  33. nontender, round, enlarged, swollen, fluid filled cyst
  34. Herberden's nodes
    Seen in osteoarthritis,, hard painless nodules over distal interphalangeal joints
  35. Bouchard's nodes
    • seen in osteoarthritis
    • Hard painless nodules over proximanl interphalangeal joints
  36. Callus
    non painful
  37. Corn
    painful over bony prominence and pressure points
  38. Pes planus
    Flat foot
  39. Hallus valgus
    • laterial deviation of the great toe
    • Enlarged, painful inflamed bursa
  40. external abdonimnal oblique
    outermost layer
  41. internal abdominal oblique
    middle layer
  42. transverse abdominis
    innermost layer
  43. Hollow organs
    • stomach
    • gallbladder
    • small intestine
    • colon
    • bladder
  44. where is the liver found
    below diaphragm in the RUQ of the abdomen
  45. Pancreas location
    • Behind stomach
    • RUQ to LUQ
  46. Spleen
    above left kidney, below diphragm, at level of 9, 10, 11th rib
  47. Kidneys
    • HHigh and deep under diaphragm, posterior organs
    • T12 -L3 vertabra
    • tenderness assessed at costovertebral angle using blunt palpation
  48. Uterus
    • palpated at 12 weeks gestation
    • Non pregnant and ovaries palpated during bimanual examination
  49. Stomach
    • LUQ
    • Between liver and spleen
  50. Large intestine (colon)
    • Originates in RLQ
    • Attaches to small intestine at ileocecal valve
  51. Sigmoid colun
    part of descending colon that takes a right turn and meets with the rectum
  52. Liens the abdonminal cavity
    Parietal peritoneum
  53. Provides a protective covering for most of the internal abdominal organs
    Visceral peritoneum
  54. Parietal pain
    • Localized to source
    • Seen in appendicitis or peritonitis
  55. Severe steady pain
  56. Pain travels from primary site
    Referred pain
  57. Highly localized at a distant site
    Referred pain
  58. Precipitates and exacerbates pancreatitits
  59. What position exacerbates GERD?
  60. Epigastric pain accompanied by black, tarry stools can idicate
    ulcerative process high in GI system
  61. Bloody mucoid stools a/w
    inflammatory bowel diseases
  62. Clay colored, fatty stools seen with
    malabsorption syndromes
  63. UTIs most common with
    Older clients
  64. Leads to permanent kidney damage
    chronic kidney disease
  65. can mask sxs of seiors GI disorders
    antacids or histamine blockers
  66. Grey turner sign
    purpleing at the flanks, indicates bleeding in the abdominal wall, 2nd to trauma, kidney, prancreas, duodenum or pancreattitis
  67. Scattered, fine veins
  68. spider angioma seen with
    liver idsease or portal hyperension
  69. dark purple straitions
    Cushing's syndrome
  70. Cullen's sign
    • bluish or purple discoloration around umbilicus
    • Indicates intra abdominal bleeding
  71. Inverted or protruding not greater than >
  72. Enlarged everted umbilicus may indicate
    umbilical hernai
  73. 9 f's of abdominal contour
    • Fat
    • Feces
    • Fetus
    • Fibroids
    • Flatulence
    • Fluid
    • Full bladder
    • False pregnacy
    • Fetal tumor
  74. Abdominal asymmetry seen with
    • Organ enlargement
    • Large masses
    • Hernia
    • Diastesis recti
    • Bowel obstgruction
  75. Abdomen does not bulge when head raised
  76. how long to listen each quadrant to confirm absense of bowel sounds
    minimum of 1 minute, 5 minutes max
  77. normal bowel sounds
    q 5 to 15 seconds
  78. Mor ethan 30 clicks per minute
    hyperacgtive bowel sounds
  79. what side of stehoscope to listen for bruits over abdominal aorta
  80. Tenderness or sharp pain over CVA
    • Pylonephritis
    • Rnal calculi
    • hydroeprosis
  81. right side guarding
    associated with cholecystis & apenditis
  82. Assess pulsation of abdominal aorta what age
    50 and/or hypertension, assess width of the aorta
  83. Normal size of aorta
    2.4-3 cm wide
  84. do not palpate over
    • polycystic kidneys
    • wilms tumor
    • transplated organ
    • Suspected splenic trauma
  85. bladder not palpable
  86. Test for blumber's sign and rovsings sign for
  87. Psoas sign
    right leg up, client shoudl try to keep it up while pusehd down. RLQ pain is a/w irritation of the iliopsosas muscle due to appendicitis
  88. Obturators sign
    Hip flex, rotate leg internally and externally...normal no pain, abnormal RLQ indicates appendix
  89. RUQ tenderness
Card Set
Assessment - musculoskeletal
Assessment - Musculoskeletal