Unit 4 Vocab

  1. affable
    (agj.) courteous and pleasant
  2. aggrandize
    (v.) to increase in power, greatness, or wealth
  3. amorphous
    (adj.) shapeless, without definite form
  4. aura
    (n.) 1. that which surrounds 2. a distinctive air or personal quality
  5. contraband
    (n.) illegal traffic, smuggled goods
  6. erudite
    (adj.) scholarly, learned
  7. gossamer
    • (adj.) thin, light delicate, insubstantial
    • (n.) a very thin, light cloth
  8. infer (-ring/-red)
    (v.) to find out by reasoning; to arrive at a conclusion on the basis of thought
  9. inscrutable
    (adj.) 1. incapable of being understood 2. impossible to see through physically
  10. insular
    (adj.) narrow or isolated in outlook or experience
  11. irrevocable
    (adj.) incapable of being changed or called back
  12. propensity
    (n.) a natural inclination
  13. querulous
    (adj.) peevish, complaining, fretful, petulant, touchy, cranky
  14. remonstrate
    (v.) to argue or plead with someone against something
  15. repudiate
    (v.) to disown, reject, or deny the validity of
  16. resilient
    (adj.) able to return to an original shape or form
  17. reverberate
    (v.) to re-echo
  18. scurrilous
    (adj.) abusive, vulgar, foul-mouthed
  19. sedulous
    (adj.) persistent
  20. sleazy
    (adj.) 1. thin or flimsy in texture; cheap; shoddy 2. ethically low, disreputable
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Unit 4 Vocab
english vocab