Acceptance of Health Dependency

  1. What are the purposes of medication
    • Preventitive or prophylactic
    • Diagnostic
  2. Proventitive or prophylactic
    • Used to prevent the occurrence of a disease or lessen the severity.
    • Like vaccines.
  3. Diagnostic
    • aid in deciding the cause of a client's sysptoms.
    • Dye that goes in the IV to view organs.
  4. Purpose of medication
    • Curative
    • Palliative
    • Supportive
    • Substitutive
    • Chemotherapeutic
    • Resorative
  5. Curative
    to cure a illness, like an antibiotic
  6. Palliative
    meds given to treat symptoms but does not cure, like morphine
  7. Supportive
    A med that help support the organ ability to function
  8. Substitutive
    meds that ass to your body, like vitamins
  9. Chemotherapeutic
    to stop RNA and DNA of cells
  10. Restorative
    meds that restore what the body already make, like insulin, synthroid
  11. Assessment Data
    • Drug allergies
    • Use of caffeine, alcohol or nicotine
    • Tolerance
    • Drug dependence
  12. Caffine
    Increase metabolic rate
  13. Alcohol
    decrease absorbtion of meds
  14. What is the purpose of the drug legislation
    to protect the public
  15. Assesment of clinical signs
    • Vital signs
    • Color of skin
    • How does the patient feel
    • Prescribed route is contraindicated
  16. How are drugs listed
    • Generic name
    • Chemical source
    • Physiological effects
    • Primary source
  17. What are the legal responsibilities of a nurse
    • Negligence-causing harm to patients
    • Malpratice- only use with people with licencse to lose.
    • Student nurse liability
    • Carrying out the MD orders, written, phone, or verbal
  18. Drug
    any chemical that affects the processes of a living organism
  19. Trade name
    • proprietary name
    • Registered trademark
  20. Chemical name
    the drugs chemical composition and molecular structure
  21. Generic name
    • nonpropietary
    • Name given by the U.S.
  22. Pharmacokinetics
    • Absorption
    • Distribution
    • Metrabolism
    • Excretion
  23. Pharmacodymanics
    • the study of what the drug does to the body
    • the machanics of drug actions in living tissues
  24. Pharmacotherapeutics
    the use of drugs and the clinical indicati0ns for drugs to prevent and treat disease
  25. Absorption
    the rate at which the drug leaves its site of administration and the extent to which absorption occurs
  26. Factors that affect absorption
    • Route
    • Food or fluids with the drug
    • Status of the absorptive surface
    • Rate of blood flow to the small intestine
    • Acidity in the stomach
    • Status of GI mobility
  27. Discribe the different routes
    • Enteral
    • Parenteral
    • Topical
  28. Enteral route
    • Oral
    • Sublingual
    • Buccal
    • Rectal
  29. First pass effect
    the metabolism of a drug and its passage from the liver into circulation
  30. routes that bypass the live
    • sublingual
    • buccal
    • rectal
    • IV
    • IM
    • intranasal
    • sub q
    • vaginal
    • transdermal
  31. Parenteral routes
    • Intravenous
    • Intramuscular
    • Subcutaneous
    • Intradermal
    • Intrathecal
  32. Topical route
    • Eyes
    • Skin
    • Ears
    • Nose
    • Lungs
    • Vagina
  33. The main organ that metabolism drugs is
    the liver
  34. Other things that metabolize meds
    • Kidneys
    • Lungs
    • Plasma
    • Intestinal mucosa
  35. Factors that decrease metabolism
    • cardivascular dysfunction
    • renal insufficiency
    • starvation
  36. What are the types of excretion sites
    • Kidneys (main)
    • Liver
    • Bowel
  37. What is half life
    the time it takes for half of the original amount of the drug to be removed from the body
  38. Onset
    the time it take for the drug to elicit a theraputic response
  39. Peak
    the time it takes for a drug to reach its maximum theraputic response
  40. Duration
    the time a drug concentration is sufficient to elicit a theraputic response
  41. Monitoring interactions
    • Additive effect
    • Synergistic effect
    • Antagonist effect
    • Incompatibility
  42. Idiosyncratic
    not predictable, only happen to one or two people
  43. Hypersensitivity rection
    systemic, difficulty breathing
  44. All drugs are potenntially toxic if
    they are cumulative in the system.
  45. Iatrogenic responses
    unintentional adverse effects that are treatment induced.
  46. Whic route has the greatest risk of toxicity
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Acceptance of Health Dependency