
  1. What are the two types of bone?
    Compact and spongy
  2. What are the different classification of bones?
    • Long bones
    • Short bones
    • Flat bones
    • Irregular bones
    • Sesamoid bones
  3. Bones...
    • Rigid connective tissue
    • Living
    • Vascular (blood supply)
    • Nerves
    • Store calcium
  4. Long bones
    Tubular structures (humerus in the arm; phalanges in the fingers)
  5. Short bones
    Cuboidal and only found in the ankle (tarsus) and wrist (carpus)
  6. Flat bones
    Usually serve protective functions (those of the cranium protect the brain)
  7. Irregular bones
    Such as those in the face, have various shapes other than long, short, or flat
  8. Sesamoid bones
    Intratendonous; develop in certain tendons; these bones protect the tendons from excessive wear and often change the angle of the tendons as they pass to their attachments (the patella)
  9. Shaft
    The diaphysis; ossified from primary ossification center and exhibits a compact, repeating pattern. Responsible for longitudinal growth and contains 2 types of vascular supply depending on bone type
  10. Haversion Canals
    Vascular system in compact bone
  11. Tuberculi System
    Vascular system in spongy bone
  12. Epiphysis
    The ends of long bones (distal and proximal epiphyses); ossified from secondary ossification centers
  13. Periosteum
    Covers bone (but not hyaline cartilage) ("peri" means "around"); made of fibrous connective tissue; provides nutrients
  14. Medullary Cavity
    Within this cavity of adult bones, blood cells and platelets are formed; also contains the nerves
  15. Endosteum
    The internal lining of the bone ("endo" means "inside")
  16. What type of bone is more likely to break?
    Compact bone is very rigid with little give and therefore is more apt to fracture
  17. Condyle
    Rounded articular surface (bone marking)
  18. Crest
    Ridge of bone (bone marking)
  19. Epicondyle
    eminence superior to condyle (bone marking)
  20. Facet
    Smooth flat area where a bone articulates with another bone (bone marking)
  21. Foramen
    Passage through a bone (bone marking)
  22. Fossa
    Hollow or depressed area (bone marking)
  23. Line
    Linear elevation (bone marking)
  24. Malleolus
    Rounded process (bone marking)
  25. Notch
    Indentation at edge of a bone (bone marking)
  26. Protuberance
    Projection (bone marking)
  27. Spine
    Thorn-like process (bone marking)
  28. Spinous process
    Projecting spine-like part (like the vertebrae) (bone marking)
  29. Trochanter
    Large blunt elevation (bone marking)
  30. Tubercle
    Small raised eminence (bone marking)
  31. Tuberosity
    Large rounded elevation (bone marking)
  32. Atrophy
    Decrease in bone size (can be a result of paralysis or immobility of some sort)
  33. Hypertrophy
    Increase in size of bone (can be a result of weight bearing exercises)
  34. Avascular necrosis
    Loss of blood supply to an epiphysis or other parts of a bone causes death in bone tissue
  35. Epiphyseal plate
    A cartilaginous plate that intervenes between diaphysis and epiphyses until growth is finished (at which the plates are replaced by bone); also known as the "growth plate"
Card Set
Includes classification of bones, bone markings, bone development, etc.