Arthropod Test Review

  1. What are the three respiratory or gas exchange structures in arthropods? Name which subphylum goes with each.
    • Tracheal system - uniramia (insects, centipedes+milipedes)
    • Book lungs - Spiders (Chelicerata)
    • Gills - Crustacea
  2. What is a tracheal system? What animal has this system?
    • Extensive network of thin-walled tubes that branch into every part of the body.
    • Insects.
  3. All arthropods have ____ circulatory systems. That means they have no ____ or _____ of _____ .
    • open veins
    • separation
    • fluids
  4. What is ecdysis? How does it happen?
    Molting. Enzymes dissolve old cuticle. Animal swallows water-- increased blood value. Cuticle splits and animal pulls itself out of its exoskeleton. Hides until new shell hardens.
  5. Complete metamorphosis? Example?
    • egg -> larva -> pupa -> adult
    • ex: egg -> caterpillar ->chrysalis -> butterfly
  6. Incomplete metamorphosis? Examples?
    • egg -> nymph -> adult
    • ex: mites, grasshoppers, cockroaches
  7. Direct development? examples?
    • egg -> juvenile -> adult
    • ex: crayfish. young look like adult.
  8. Arthropods have ______ exoskeletons.
  9. Arthropoda are segmented but they do not have ________
  10. Arthropods have reduced competition through _________
  11. One difference of Arthropods from annelids: the absence of ________
  12. examples of each subphylum:
    Chelicerata -
    trilobita -
    crustacea -
    • arachnids, scorpions, horseshoe crabs, mites, ticks
    • trilobites
    • crayfish, lobsters, isopods
    • insects, centipedes, millipedes
  13. How many appendages do chelicerates have?
    Chelicerata have 6 pairs of appendages
  14. What subphylum has pedipalps?
  15. What is the tagmata of spiders and crustaceans?
    cephalothorax and abdomen
  16. What is the tagma of uniramians?
    Head, thorax, abdomen
  17. Which subphylum uses antennal or green glands? What are these glands used for?
    • Crustacea
    • excretion
  18. What is the malpighian tubes used for? Which animal uses it?
    Excretion. Spiders
  19. Difference between centipedes and millipedes?
    pairs of legs per segment?
    carnivore or herbivore?
    lay eggs?
  20. What is the cheliped? Which subphylum has this appendage?
    first walking leg, has a claw. Crustacea
  21. Excretion of nitrogenous wastes occur by _______ in _______ and ___________
    • diffusion
    • gills
    • across thin areas of the cuticle
  22. What is a vector of Lyme disease? Curable?
    • Ticks (Chelicerata)
    • Yes (antibiotics)
  23. What is the oldest ancestral and most widely occuring larva in Crustaceans?
    nauplius. (planktonic, move in shore to develop)
  24. Circulatory system of crayfish: Small, angular ____ that lies in the _____ _____, and enclosed in ________. Blood leaves heart in arters but returns by ______. 3 pairs of ______, which are ___________.
    • heart
    • pericardial sinus
    • pericardium
    • sinuses
    • ostia
    • opening of the heart that receive hemolymph
  25. Arthropod's exoskeleton vs cuticle of annelids.
    Exoskeleton = contains ______, goes through ______
    Cuticle = made of ______, doesn't ____
    • chitin, ecdysis
    • collagen, molt
  26. Advantanges of joined appendages?
    Efficiency and better locomotion
  27. Function of antennules in crayfish? ______, _____, and ______
    touch, taste, equilibrium
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Arthropod Test Review