Science on Seneca

  1. Seneca Lake, like all of the finger lakes were carved by what?
    Pleistone glaciers
  2. The events that shaped the basin had been accomplished how many years ago?
    12,500 years ago.
  3. Devonian rocks
    Silurian carbonates, shales, and most importantly evaporites.
  4. Evaporites are mainly what?
    halite(rock salt)
  5. Physical Characteristics of Seneca Lake
    • Length 34.5 miles
    • Greatest width 3.7 miles
    • Greatest depth approx. 630 feet
    • Area of Lake 66.6 square miles
    • Area of drainage basin 714 square miles
    • Length of shore 75.4 miles
  6. Seneca lake has relatively high concentrations of what?
    chloride ions.
  7. The Native Americans
    • Lived near the lake
    • fished from them
    • used them for transportation
    • and had great respect for them
  8. Uses of the lake today
    • water supply
    • sewer overfalls
  9. One of our most precious resources is what?
    Water, since it is needed by all life to survive
  10. Dissolved oxygen in the water
    • needed for respiration
    • necessary for aquatic life
  11. If the pH becomes less than 5...
    an acidic strain is placed on the fish and plant life.
  12. Chloride ion concentration in drinking water
    if exceeds 250 ppm there is some health hazards to infants and adults with heart disease.
  13. Lake Temperature Profiles
    • Autumn- lakes losses more heat then it gains
    • Winter- Temperatures are equal throughout.
    • Spring- ice begins to melt, water remains a uniform temperature from surface to bottom.
    • Summer- top- uniformly warm
    • middle- rapid temperature decrease
    • bottom- uniformly cold
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Science on Seneca
science on seneca