PE Studies cards

  1. What are the main types of training?
    • Aerobic
    • Anaerobic
    • Flexibility
    • Strength training
  2. What does aerobic training invlove?
    Continuous activities, such as running, swimming, Fartlek, circuit training and long-interval training. These methods are designed to improve the efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to working muscles.
  3. What does anaerobic training involve?
    High-intensity, short-duration exercise (interval training). This method is characterised by repeated bursts over short distances at high intensity and is designed to improve the two anaerobic energy pathways.
  4. What are the two anaerobic pathways?
    lactic acid system and ATP-PC
  5. What does flexibility training involve?
    Static stretching, ballistic movement, dynamic stretching, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF).
  6. What does strength training involve?
    Weight to provide resistance against which a muscle can contract. It is designed to improve the amount of force that can be exerted by the muscle during a contraction.
  7. Which types of training are best suited to different sports?
    • Endurance events - aerobic training eg marathon
    • Short events that require high intensity - anaerobic training eg sprinting
    • Events that require speed and power - Strength training eg sprinting
    • events that require range of motion - flexibility eg gymnastics
  8. What are methods of training?
    Ways a coach and athlete will train to work the type of training required for their sport (what they actually do).
  9. What are some examples of methods of training?
    Continuous training, fartlek, circuit, interval, cross training, boxing, altitude training, free weights, resistance training, agility running, plyometrics, pilates, aerobics, core strength conditioning, stretching etc
  10. What types of training should be done in the transition phase?
    Aerobic training
  11. What types of training are used in the preparation phase?
    Combination of aerobic and anaerobic in the general prep phase and then all 4 types in the specific phase.
  12. What types of training are used in recovery?
    Flexibility and aerobic
  13. What are the principles of training?
    Specificity, Progressive Overload, Reversibility, Intensity, Frequency, Duration
  14. What are the principles of training that chacterise periodisation?
    Peaking, Overtraining, Tapering, Specifity.
  15. What is the FITT principle?
    • Frequency
    • Intensity
    • Time
    • Type
  16. How do athletes and coaches set goals to implement types and methods of training?
    • SMART goals
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Acheivable
    • Realistic
    • Time bound
Card Set
PE Studies cards
Training methods cards