What nutritional interventions are used in sport?
- Antioxidant Vitamins C and E
- Bicarbonate and Citrate
- Caffeine
- Calcium Supplement
- Creatine
- Electrolyte Replacement
- Iron
- Liquid Meal Replacement
- Multivitamins and Minerals
- Sick Pack
- Sports Bars
- Sports Drinks
- Sports Gels
Why do athletes take vitamen A and C?
Because they are beginning a new period of high volume and/or high intensity training, moving to hot environments or undertaking heat acclimatisation or moving to altitude or undertaking altitude training.
When do athletes use bicarbonate and citrate supplements?
Before high-intensity competition events lasting 1-7 minutes, intermittent high intensity team sports and to get increased training adaptations from interval training programs.
What are the sport advantages of caffeine?
Prior to and/or during prolonged endurance or intermittent sports, including team sports, as a training aid or competition aid.
Which athletes consume calcium supplements?
Individuals at risk of consuming an inadequate calcium intake or whom have elevated calcium requirements.
Why would an athlete take creatine?
When they are undertaking resistance training to increase lean body mass or when thy are doing interval and sprint training sessions where the athlete is required to repeat short explosive maximal efforts with brief recovery intervals.
When do you use electrolyte replacements?
For rapid rehydration following moderate-large fluid deficits incurred during exercise or other dehydrating activities.
Who takes iron supplements?
- Athletes with poorly balanced vegetarian diets or chronic low-energy diets.
- Athletes with increased iron requirements such as females, adolescents, pregnant athletes, athletes adapting to altitude or heat training or athletes who have increased iron loss due to gastrointestinal bleeding.
When are liquid meal replacements useful?
As a pre-exercise meal or snack, post-exercise snack providing carbohydrate, protein and micronutrients for recovery or as a meal supplement for the travelling athlete.
Why do some athletes take multi-vitamins?
When there are concerns about their diet possibly due to prolonged period of travel, dieting for weight loss or athletes with a heavy competition schedule, involving disruption to normal eating patterns.
What is sick pack?
To reduce the duration and severity of upper respiratory tract infections.
What are sports bars?
Compact source of carbohydrate and protein in a bar form which are low in fat and fibre.
When would athletes eat sports bars?
- During long, endurance exercise sessions, before undertaking a heavy training load to increase muscle mass, post-exercise recovery, when the athlete has minimal time to eat
- between exercise sessions and for domestic or international travel where food availability is limited.
When do athletes use sports drinks?
- During Exercise to replace as much of their sweat losses as is practical and comfortable. The concentration of the sports drink can be changed to increase delivery of carbohydrate in sports where the need for fuel replacement takes priority over hydration (e.g. distance events in cold conditions), or to decrease carbohydrate concentration where fluid delivery is a priority (e.g. events on very hot conditions).
- Use After Exercise for rehydration over 1-2 hours.
Which athletes use sports gels?
Endurance athletes during exercise lasting longer than 90 minutes, where it is impractical to carry large amounts of sports drinks (i.e. cyclists, triathletes). Team sports athletes during breaks in play or during extended training or competition sessions.
Which athletes might use glucosamine?
Older athletes or athletes suffering with osteoarthritis.
What are the advantages of taking probiotics?
- Improving intestinal tract health, enhancing the immune system, enhancing the bioavailability of nutrients, reducing lactose intolerance, decreasing the prevalence of allergy in susceptible
- individuals, and reducing the risk of certain types of cancers.
Why would an athlete take probiotics?
When travelling overseas to help prevent sickness, to boost immune system in endurance athletes such as ultra marathon and for highly fatigued athletes to aid in recovery and prevent sickness.
What is hyponatremia?
Drinking too much water and suffering from hyponatremia or water intoxication.
What is the difference between electrolyte replacements and sports drinks?
Electrolyte replacements have higher levels of sodium and potassium than sports drinks. Electrolyte replacements are needed when the requirement for electrolytes if larger than what is provided by sports drinks and there is a danger of hyponatremia from drinking too much water.
Why would athletes take magnesium supplements?
Helps prevent osteoporosis, lowers blood pressure, regulates cardiac function, aids mitochondrical function helping prevent fatigue and prevents cramps in skeletal muscle.
What do B vitamins do to help athletes?
They convert proteins and carbohydrates into energy. They are also used for cell repair and production. They help with high-intensity exercise performance and also repair damaged muscles or help build muscle mass.