Analysis of Content: Intellectual and Emotive aspects, what each involves and how interrelated
- Intellectual or logical aspects
- i.To seem reasonable
- ii. Understanding of the meanings of the words
- The emotive quality
- i.There is nothing without emotion… imbue everything with emotional understanding (emotional
- attachments)
- ii.Our emotions alert us that something is important.
- iii.Example name reaction
- iv.To arouse pleasure or pain, some level of importance
- v. Basic way of understanding the world
The two are to be combined – In performative aspect, what emotions are conveyed
Analysis of Structure: What it involves, 3 main types and structures of literature
- How something is composed – how the parts work as a whole
- Example Filming movies – clear understanding of where the character is in each scene emotionally
- Structure of prose, drama, and poetry all come together – characteristics in common!
Intertextuality: what it is, what effects it may have
- near another text with on to change initial text – changes interpretation
- An interaction between stories or ideas – something inside us changes our understanding
- Expands our awareness
- i.When two things are at the same time, often think one causing or influencing the other – FALLACY
- ii.Example Hanging pictures side by side… reaction to “group”
- iii.Compare and see what had not before – unveiling potential meanings
Denotative and connotative meanings
- i.
- Shared by all – COMMON
- ii. Example dictionary definitions
- iii.Connotative relates to personal understanding based on “your” experience and/or knowledge
- iv. Connotative relates to emotional responses!
- i.
- Latin – “person”
- ii.Refers to the “kind” of person
- iii. The one who is speaking – normally narrator (omniscient)
- Who are you? – describe with adjectives
- i.
- Where is it happening? – SETTING
- ii.Physical, emotional, and psychological - viewpoint/perspective/location
- iii.Can be another “character” in ability to tell story
- iv.Experiencing events or matching it – close or far
- i.
- Important development of plot or action
- ii. High point – IMPACT
- iii.Major and minor
- Example poem “New word today” (THINK OF ALL 4 POINTS
- i.
- Repetition of words and phrases
- ii. Shift of attention from one place to another
Development of Climax
Use of Voice: volume, focus of projection
- Volume and Focus of Projection
- i.Where are the eyes looking between characters or not
- ii.Example subjective camera in movies
- iii.Duo reading in speech – reaching out to audience
- Aesthetic choices
Use of Voice rate, pause
- Rate and Pause
- i. To create an effect based on logical and emotional understanding of text ii. Alter natural rate and pause of natural speech
- iii. Think of purpose of grammar in reading and writing – do the same in performance with sentences
Use of Voice dialect
- Dialect
- i.To better convey a certain persona
- ii.Accents and language – WORD CHOICE
- iii Example poem “Jabberwocky” – figure out what is being suggested
Use of Body: posture, movement, gesture
- Posture – emotional tone
- Movement – display action, contribute to what is being said
- Gesture – enrich the meaning of the text, clarification
Rehearsal: its functions/purposes
- Clarity – perfection
- For confidence (aids confidence, aids fluency, can serve as an heuristic: to help innovate new ideas, perspectives, or ways of doing things)
What does Victor Turner mean by “homo performans”?
Dramaturgical Theory is based on what comprehensive metaphor?
What is the dramaturgical model & what does it have to doe with frames?
- dramaturgical model- the view of everyday life in which social interaction is performance, settings of interaction are stages, people are actors, and viewers are audiences.
- Frams are the ways people define situations for themselfs and others
What is Impression Management & what does it allow us to do?
In Goffman's dramaturgical theory, the process of managing settings, words, nonverbal communication, dress and apperance in a effort to give others a specific view of oneself
What is Front & Back Stage?—be sure to review your notes in class here about how Filbel gave you more of Turner’s model
- Front state- behavors and apperances that are visable to audience (or others in an interactional situation)
- Back state- behaviors and apperances that are not visable to audiences
What did Dwight Conquergood claim that ethnographers study?
a qualitive method of research that interprets action so as to generate understanding consistent with the frameworks of those who perform the actions
Thick vs. thin description.
- Thick description- an ethnograpic methold that describes cultural pratices from the point of view of people who ar emembers of the particular culture or social community being studied
- Thin description-
What is the goal of ethnography?
What is participation-observation & how/why is it used?
A method often used in ethnograpic research in which the researcher-observer is also a participant in the situation being studied
What is personal narrative, how is it diff. from ethnography?
What is the dual responsibility of performance accord. to Frank?
Performance as Polit. Action—what does that entail? What is Performativity? Is it more than one thing? What does perf. as cultural & polit. critique do?