Intelligent Business Coursebook - Vocs

  1. acquisition
    when one company buys another one or part of another one
  2. alliance
    an agreement between two or more organisations to work together
  3. bid
    an offer to buy something at a stated price
  4. conglomerate
    a large business organisation consisting of different companies that have joined together
  5. corporate culture
    the attitudes or beliefs that are shared by a particular organisation
  6. merger
    the creation of a new company by joining two separate companies:
  7. multinational
    a multinational organisation has offices/ factories/ activities/ etc. in many different countries
  8. share
    a unit of the capital of the company. Shares in listed companies can be bought and sold on the stock exchange
  9. strategic alliance
    an alliance formed as part of a plan with important aims
  10. synergy
    additional advantages/ profits/ etc. that are produced by two people or organisations combining their ideas and resources
  11. allocate
    to decide officially that a particular amount of money/ time/ etc. should be used for a particular purpose
  12. budget
    the amount of money that an organisation has to spend on a particular activity in a given period of time
  13. contractor
    a person or company that makes an agreement to do work or provide goods for another company:
  14. control
    to limit something or prevent it from increasing too much as it should be
  15. delay
    the situation in which something does not happen or start when it should do
  16. estimate
    to calculate what you think the value/ size/ amount/ etc. of something will probably be
  17. project
    an important and carefully planned piece of work that will create something new or improve a situation
  18. schedule
    a plan of what someone is going to do and by when they are going to do it specifications a detailed description of how something should be designed or made
  19. stakeholder
    person or group of people who are considered to be an important part of an organisation because they have responsibility within it or receive advantages from it
  20. subcontractor
    a person or company who is paid to do part of the work of another person or company
  21. accomplish
    to succeed in doing something
  22. assign
    to give someone a particular job or task
  23. collaborate
    to work with someone on a project
  24. commit
    to agree to do something or say that someone else will do something
  25. co-ordinate
    to organise all the different parts of something to ensure an effective operation
  26. dealine
    a date or time by which you have to do or complete something
  27. facilitator
    someone who helps a team to work together effectively
  28. feedback
    advice or criticism about how someone is doing their job
  29. goal
    something that you hope to achieve in the future
  30. task
    piece of work that has to be done/ especially one that has to be done regularly
  31. team
    a group of people who work together to do a particular job
  32. data
    information or facts about a particular subject that someone has collected:
  33. gather
    to collect information/ ideas/ etc
  34. hardware
    computer machinery and equipment
  35. information
    facts or details that tell you about something or someone
  36. intelligence
    information that is collected about the activities of an organisation or individual
  37. measurement
    the result of an evaluation of the size or dimension of something
  38. network
    a set of computers which are connected to each other and operate as part of the same system/ able to exchange information and messages
  39. procedure
    the accepted method and order of doing something in a formal situation
  40. process
    to put information into a computer to be examined and to produce a particular result
  41. software
    sets of programs put into a computer to perform particular tasks
  42. spreadsheet
    a computer program that can show rows of figures and perform calculations with them. Spreadsheets are often used to work out sales/ taxes/ profits and other financial information
  43. surveillance
    the act of monitoring a person or group of people
  44. chief technology officer
    the manager with the most authority concerning technology
  45. component
    one part of something or one part used in making a piece of equipment
  46. download
    to move computer software or information from one computing device to another
  47. invention
    a new product that was not available before
  48. nanotechnology
    a science that combines computer technology and chemistry to build things from atoms
  49. revolution
    a complete change in ways of thinking/ methods of working/ etc
  50. telecommunications
    the process or business of sending and receiving information by telephone/ television/ the internet
  51. upload
    to move computer software or information from one computing device to another especially from a local computer to a central server or network
  52. audience
    the number or kind of people who receive a written or spoken message
  53. billboard
    a large sign/ usually outdoors/ used for advertising
  54. campaign
    a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result
  55. commercial
    an advertisement on television/ radio/ or at the cinema
  56. display
    an attractive arrangement of objects for people to look at or buy/ for example in a shop
  57. exhibition
    a public event where businesses and other organisations show their products or services
  58. media
    media are all the different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public and advertising goods/ for example/ television/ radio/ newspapers and the internet
  59. product demonstration
    an act of explaining and showing how a product works or how something is done
  60. product placement
    when the maker of a product arranges for it to appear or be used in a film or television programme/ as a form of advertising
  61. promotion
    an activity such as special advertisements or free gifts intended to sell a product orservice
  62. public relation
    the activity of telling the public about an organisation/ person/ product/ etc. so that people think of them in a good way
  63. publicise
    to give information about something to the public/ so that they know about it
  64. sponsor
    to give money to pay for a television programme/ a sports or arts event/training
  65. telemarketing
    the practice of telephoning people in order to sell things
  66. attorney
    a lawyer/ especially one who represents clients and speaks in court
  67. damages
    money that a court orders someone to pay someone else for harming them or their property/ or causing them financial loss
  68. defendant
    the person or organisation in a court of law accused of doing something illegal or of causing harm to another person
  69. feedback
    an amount of money paid to a professional person or organisation for their services
  70. lawsui
    a charge/ claim or complaint against a person or an organisation that is made in a court of law by a private person or company/ not by the police or state
  71. legal action
    the process of taking a case or a claim against a person or organisation to a court of law
  72. legal department
    the service in a company or organisation that looks after all matters relating to questions of law
  73. litigate
    to take a claim or complaint against a person or organisation to a court of law
  74. settlement
    an agreement to resolve a dispute before it is taken to court
  75. sue
    to make a legal claim against someone/ especially for an amount of money/ because you have been harmed in some way
  76. corporate identity
    the way in which a company uses similar designs and colours on all its products/ advertisements/ letters/ etc. so that people will become familiar with the company
  77. creative director
    someone who is in charge of the work relating to producing advertisements and image campaigns for a company
  78. distribution
    the actions involved in making goods available to customers after they have been produced/ for example/ moving/ storing and selling the goods
  79. exclusivity
    the fact that a product is so expensive that not many people can afford to buy it
  80. launch
    to show or make a new product available for sale for the first time
  81. model
    a particular type or design of a machine or device
  82. positioning
    the way people think about a product in relation to the companys other products and to competing products/ or the way that the company would like them to think about it
  83. pricing
    the prices of a companys products or services in relation to each other and in relation to those of competitors/ and the activity of setting them
  84. target
    a limited group of people or area that a plan/ idea/ etc. is aimed at
  85. angel
    a business angel is a private investor who puts money into new business activities
  86. blue-chip shares
    shares in a well-managed company with a record of paying profits to shareholders during good and bad economic conditions
  87. business plan
    a document produced by a company/ especially a new company/ giving details of expected sales and costs and how the business can be financed/ and showing why the plan will make money
  88. dividend
    a part of the profits of a company for a particular period of time paid to the shareholders for each share that they own
  89. entrepreneur
    someone who starts a company/ arranges business deals and takes risks in order to make a profit"
  90. forecast
    a description of what is likely to happen in the future/ based on information that is available now
  91. fortune
    a very large amount of money: [Vermogen] He made a fortune by investing on the stock exchange
  92. lucrative
    an activity/ project/ job/ etc. that is lucrative makes a lot of money
  93. portfolio
    collection of shares owned by a person or a company or all theproducts or services offered by a business
  94. trader
    someone who deals in shares/ bonds/ currencies/ commodities (= oil/ metal and farm products)/ etc. on a market/ either for themselves or for a financial institution
  95. venture
    a new business activity or project that involves risk
  96. alternative energy
    energy that is not derived from fossil fuels like petroleum and coal
  97. crude oil
    oil in a natural condition/ before it has been transformed in an industrial process in order to separate it into different products
  98. end user
    the person who actually uses a particular product/ rather than someone involved in its production or sale
  99. fossil fuel
    a fuel such as coal/ gas or oil that is produced by the gradual decay of animals or plants over millions of years
  100. fuel
    a substance such as coal/ gas or oil that can be burned to produce heat or energy
  101. gasoline
    a liquid obtained from petroleum/ used mainly for producing power for the engines of motor vehicles
  102. ingredient
    a component or element that is added to form a compound or mixture
  103. nuclear power
    the energy/ usually in the form of electricity/ that is produced by a nuclear reactor
  104. power plant
    a factory or building that generates electricity/ usually by the burning of fossil fuels
  105. reserve
    an amount of something valuable such as oil/ gas/ etc./ kept for future use
  106. scare
    if something is scarce/ there is not enough of it available
  107. shortage
    a situation in which there is not enough of something that people need or want
  108. sustainable
    an action or process that is sustainable can continue or last for a long time
  109. analyst
    a specialist in a particular market or industry who gives advice and provides forecasts for that sector
  110. auction
    a public or online meeting where things are sold to the person who offers the most money
  111. brokerage
    a company or organisation that buys or sells securities/ currencies/ property/insurance/ etc. for others
  112. capital
    money or property used to produce wealth or money from shareholders and lenders that can be invested in assets in order to produce profits
  113. cartel
    a group of companies who agree to set the price of something they produce at a fixed level in order to limit competition and increase their own profits
  114. commisscion
    an amount of money paid to someone according to the value of goods/ shares/bonds/ etc. they have sold or an official organisation that ensures that the law is obeyed in a particular activity
  115. equity
    the capital that a company has from shares rather than from loans or the shares of a company listed on the Stock Exchange
  116. initial public offering
    an occasion when a company offers shares on a stock market for the first time
  117. issue
    to make securities such as bonds and shares available for people to buy
  118. monopoly
    a situation where a business activity is controlled by only one company or by the government and other companies do not compete with it Securities Exchange
  119. Commission
    a situation where a business activity is controlled by only one company or by the government and other companies do not compete with it
  120. Stock Exchange
    the US agency responsible for stock market regulation a market where company shares are traded
  121. Wall Street
    The New York Stock Exchange/ situated in Wall Street in Manhattan
  122. barrier to entry
    any factor which prevents new competition from entering an industry/ for example the need for a lot of capital or strict government regulations
  123. competitive advantage
    an advantage that makes a company more able to succeed in competing with others
  124. core business
    the business that makes the most money for a company and that is considered to be its most important and central one
  125. differentiate
    when a company differentiates its products/ it shows how they are different from each other and from competing products
  126. economies of scale
    the advantages that a big factory/ shop/ etc. has over a smaller one because it can spread its fixed costs over a larger number of units and therefore produce or sell things more cheaply
  127. market share
    the proportion of the total market that is supplied by a particular company
  128. mass consumption
    buying and using products and services on a large scale
  129. mass market
    the market for standardised consumer products
  130. production
    The process of making or growing things to be sold as products/ usually in large quantities or an amount of something that is produced
  131. profit margin
    the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it/ or between the cost of producing all of a companys products or services and the total sum they are sold for
  132. switch
    to change from one thing to another/ usually suddenly
  133. central bank
    the official bank of a country/ which is responsible for setting interest rates/ controlling the money supply/ producing bank notes and keeping the countrys supply of foreign currency and gold/ etc
  134. clearing bank
    one of the high street banks that issues and accepts cheques and passes them through the banking system
  135. collateral
    assets promised by a borrower to a lender if the borrower cannot repay a loan
  136. exchange rate
    the price at which one currency can be bought with another
  137. interest
    an amount paid by a borrower to a lender/ for example by a bank to someone who saves money with them or the rate of interest at which a particular sum of money is borrowed or lent
  138. investment bank
    a bank that buys stocks and shares and then sells them to members of the public/ and offers financial advice to businesses
  139. monetary policy
    the way a central bank controls the amount of money in the economy at a particular time/ for example by changing interest rates
  140. speculate
    to buy goods/ shares/ property/ etc. in the hope that their value will increase so that they can be sold for a profit
  141. absenteeism
    the problem of employees not being at work when they should be
  142. customise
    to make/ build or adapt especially for a customer
  143. delegate
    someone who has been chosen by their company to attend a conference/ meeting or training course
  144. incentive
    something which is used to encourage people/ especially to make them work harder and produce more
  145. motivation
    willingness/ eagerness or desire to do something without being forced to do it
  146. staff loyalty
    if staff are loyal to their company/ they enjoy working for it/ they keep company secrets and tend to stay for a long time
  147. stress
    continuous feeling of worry about your work or personal life that prevents you from relaxing
  148. training
    the process of teaching someone or being taught the skills and knowledge for a particular job
  149. audit
    an official examination of a persons or organisations accounts by an expert/ to check that they are true and honest
  150. fraud
    a method of illegally getting money from a person or an organisation/ often using clever and complicated methods
  151. network
    a group of people or organisations that are connected or that work together. It is important to build up a network of professional contacts
  152. outsource
    to transfer work to an outside supplier
  153. Sarbanes Oxley Act
    US government legislation introduced to ensure honest accountancy and corporate governance practices in US companies
  154. dot-com boom
    rapid growth of internet based business
  155. protagonists
    most important people involved in a particular situation
  156. falter
  157. spot
  158. herd instinct
    natural inclination to follow other rather than act alone
  159. stint
    period of work
  160. plague
    cause continual trouble
  161. bump up
    suddently increase something
  162. corner-cutting
    doing things badly or cheaply
  163. spin-off business
    new company that emerges from a larger enterprise
  164. tendious
  165. hog the floor
    dominate the discussion
  166. scepticism
    doupting the truth of what other people say
  167. mould
  168. verbose
    using more words than necessary
  169. quest
  170. shoot in the dark
  171. spell the death of
    annouce the end of something
  172. start up
    new/ recently formed company
  173. untapped market
    potential market which hasnt yet been exploited
  174. saturated (market)
    where there are more goods than people who want to buy them
  175. go down the drain
    be wasted
  176. splurge
    spend a lot of money
  177. relentlessly
    continuously/ without stopping
  178. Bubble Wrap
    protective plastic film used to protect goods
  179. in restrospect
    looking back to the past
  180. blunder
  181. teeter
    be in danger of falling
  182. trigger
    mechanism that activates a process (to activate)
  183. get out of hand
    become unmanageable
  184. staid
    sober and unexciting
  185. accolade
    prize/ award
  186. back-end
    behind the scenes administrative activities
  187. folly
    follishment/ lack of good sense
  188. myopia
  189. boom years
    years of economic prospertiy
  190. gasoline/gas
  191. OPEC
    Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
  192. factor in
    include as a component of an equation
  193. barrel
    standard unit of measurment for selling oil
  194. sporadic
  195. drop dead
    mind its own business
  196. racket (US: shakedown)
    a way of obtaining money by fraud or deception
  197. kickbacks
    sums of money paid to someone in exchange for a favour
  198. hype
    promote something with exaggerated claims
  199. gun
    attempt to defeat
  200. brains will trump brawn
    intelligence will win against power
  201. status quo
    the situation as it is
  202. hip
    fashionable/ trendy
  203. unveil
    reveal/ disclose
  204. cede
    give up/ disclose
  205. dabble
    get involved in as an amateur
  206. peripherals
    printers/ scanners and other additional computer devices
  207. revered
    respected and admired
  208. collateral
    assets that can be used as a guarantee for loan
  209. philanthropic
    benevolent/ interested in peoples well beeing
  210. LIBOR
    the rate of interest at which London banks offer loans to each other (London Interbank Offered Rate)
  211. sanction
    official agree to
  212. sly
  213. grass roots
    fundamental or basic level
  214. beseech
  215. props
    theatrical costumes and scenery
  216. toga
    long robe/ item of clothing
  217. aftermath
    period of time after terrible event
  218. heady stuff
    very exciting moment
  219. cascade
    huge amount
  220. blue chip
    well-known and successful
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Intelligent Business Coursebook - Vocs
english idioms, phrases and voc,based on the lists of Intelligent Business Coursebook