chapter 10 embryo

  1. what does attached gingiva do?
    tightly adheres to the bone
  2. marginal gingiva is the ________ of attached gingiva.
    it is ______ gingiva located at the ________.
    • extension
    • free
    • margin
  3. the free gingival crest is the ______ edge of the _______.
    recession is measured form the ______ to the ______ ________ ______.
    • free
    • gingiva
    • CEJ
    • free gingival crest
  4. what separates the attached gingiva from the marginal (free) gingiva?
    free gingival groove
  5. what prevents food impaction?
    interdental papilla
  6. it is between the teeth and also known as interdental papilla.
    interdental gingiva
  7. where is the col located?
    apical to the contact area
  8. a concavity in the interdental papilla that forms between the lingual and facial gingival surfaces
  9. what three things describe attached gingiva?
    • pink
    • stippling
    • immobile
  10. a thick layer of parakeratinized epithelium which blocks the vascular supply in the lamina propria
    pink attached gingiva
  11. tall narrow papilla in the lamina propria that pull on the epithelium and cause dimples
  12. when there is swelling in the gingiva, what goes away?
  13. attached gingiva is ________ and firmly attached to the ______ beneath it
    • immobile
    • bone
  14. why are gums red when someone has perio?
    there is more blood supply which makes it more visible
  15. what two things are present when there is inflammation?
    • erythema
    • edema
  16. pain, heat, erythema, edema, loss of function are examples of:
  17. the tissue is red because of increased blood flow is called:
  18. edema is when the _________ papilla is ________ as it is filled with ______ fluid. this edema may cause the tissue to loose its ________.
    • interdental
    • enlarged
    • tissue
    • stippling
  19. when gums "pull down" they expose the root surface. this is called:
    gingival recession
  20. in gingival recession, the ______ gingival margin starts to move ______. usually exposing _______ which can cause _________.
    • free
    • apically
    • cementum
    • sensitivity
  21. what five things can cause gingival recession?
    • perio disease
    • tooth position
    • incorrect toothbrushing
    • occlusal stress
    • strong frenal attachments
  22. what is measured from the CEJ to the free gingival margin?
    gingival recession
  23. overgrowth of the interdental papilla
    gingival hyperplasia
  24. gingival hyperplasia is usually caused by poor ______ ________ and certain ________
    • oral hygiene
    • medications
  25. what are the three meds that can lead to gingival hyperplasia?
    • phenytoin sodium (dilantin)
    • cyclosporines
    • nifedipine
  26. phenytoini sodium (dilantin) is for:
    seizure control
  27. cyclosporines are for:
  28. nifedipine - calcium channel blockers are for:
    heart conditions
  29. what are the dentogingival junctional tissues? (5)
    • dentogingival junction
    • gingival sulcus
    • sulcular epitheluim
    • JE (junctional epithelium)
    • EA (epithelial attachment)
  30. where the tooth surface and gingival tissues meet:
    dentogingival junction
  31. the space between the tooth and the gingival tissues.
    gingival sulcus
  32. gingival tissues of the gingival sulcus can be filled with ______ _______ aka _________ fluid
    • gingival fluid
    • crevicular
  33. what is the normal depth of the sulcus?
    0.5 - 3mm
  34. the epithelium on the inside of the sulcus:
    sulcular epithelium
  35. the JE is a deeper extension of the ________ epithelium. the JE lines the _____ of the gingival ______ and is attached to the _______ surface
    • sulcular
    • floor
    • sulcus
    • tooth
  36. the definite location of attachment between epithelium and enamel, cementum, or dentin:
    epithelial attachment (EA)
  37. what stops the probe at the bottom of the sulcus?
    the epithelial attachment
  38. what are the two histological features of gingival tissues?
    • attached gingiva
    • marginal gingiva
  39. what are the 6 gingival tissues?
    • attached gingiva
    • marginal gingiva
    • free gingival crest
    • free gingival groove
    • interdental gingiva
    • col
  40. what are the three clinical considerations for gingival tissues?
    • inflammation
    • gingival recession
    • gingiva hyperplasia
Card Set
chapter 10 embryo
chapter 10 embryology