Chem Lecture Test 2

  1. Dalton's Atomic Model
    • States that elements are composed to minute indivisible particles
    • Atom so diffrent elements are alike in mass and size
    • Chemical compounds are formed by the union of the two or more atoms of diffrent elements
    • Atoms combine to form compunds in simple numerial ratio, one to one, on to two and so on
    • Atoms of two elements may combine in diffrent rations to form more than one compound
  2. Natural Law
    Summarization of a general observation regarding nature
  3. Law of definate poportion
    Sates that compund always contain two or more elements chemical bound combine in a definite proportion by mass
  4. Law of multiple proportions
    States that atoms of tow or more elements may combine in diffrent rations to produce more than one compound
  5. Isotopes are
    atoms of an element having the same atomic number but diffrent atomic mass
  6. What is atomic Massis the average ralative mass of the isotopes of an element
    is the average ralative mass of the isotopes of an element
  7. Pauli Exclusion principle
    States that electrons with the same spin cannot occupy the same orbital
  8. Electron Configuration for K
    1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
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Chem Lecture Test 2
Chemistry Lecture Test For