chem chapter 5

  1. kinetic molecular theory
    • a way to visualize what the molecules are doing
    • Ek = 1/2mv2 m = mass v=velocity
    • *both affect the kinetic energy
  2. one
    • molecules (or atoms) of gases are continuously in motion
    • always have NRG
  3. two
    the volume of gas molecules is negligible compared to the volume of the container
  4. three
    • the attractive and repulsive forces of gas molecules are negligible
    • no affect on NRG transfer during a collision
  5. four
    • as long as the temperature remains constant, the average kinetic energy of the molecules is constant
    • individual molecules can transfer NRG from one to another, but the average remains constant.
  6. five
    • the average kinetic energy is directly proportional to absolute temperature
    • not dependent on the identity of gas
    • all gases have the same average NRG at same temperature
  7. pressure is a result of...
    collisions of molecules with sides of container
  8. increase V at constant T and n...
    • # of collisions of molecs with the wall of container decreases
    • volume goes up, pressure goes down P1V1 = P2V2
  9. increase T at constant V and n...
    • increase T
    • increase average kinetic NRG
    • increase # of collisions & speed of collisions
    • overall...pressure goes up
    • P1/T1 = P2/T2
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chem chapter 5
october 28, 2010