9B English Vocabulary2

  1. Action
    (n.) what happens in a story.
  2. Allegory
    • (n.) a story in which people, things and actions represents an idea or a generalization about life.
    • Allegories often have a strong moral or lesson.
  3. Allusion
    (n.) a reference to a familiar person, place, or thing.
  4. Analogy
    (n.) a comparison of two or more similar objects, suggesting that if they are alike in certain respects, they will probably be alike in other ways too.
  5. Anecdote
    (n.) a short summery of a humorous event used to make a point.
  6. Antagonist
    (n.) a person or thing working against the main character.
  7. Bias
    (n.) a highly personal judgement.
  8. Biography
    (n.) an account of the life of an individual, classified as non-fiction or informational text.
  9. Caricature
    (n.) a picture or an intimation of a person's feature or mannerism exaggerated in a comic or absurd way.
  10. Character
    (n.) a person, animal, or object that takes part in the action of a literary work.The main or major character is the most important and central to the action. A minor of supporting character is one who takes part in the action, but is not the focus of attention.
  11. Character Sketch
    (n.) a short piece of writting that reveals or shows something important about a person or fictional character.
  12. Characterization
    • (n.) the method an author uses to reveal the characters and their various personalities. Two major methods:
    • Direct- writer states the character's action and feelings.
    • Indirect- writer depends on the reader to draw conclusions.
  13. Cite
    (n.) to quote as an example
  14. Citation
    • (n.) a direct quote from the text, as opposed to a generalized summary or statement.
    • An acknowledgement and documentation of sources of information.
  15. Climax
    (n.) the high point, or turning point, in a story-usually the most intense point.
  16. Comparison/Contrast
    (n.) a text or response to reading text that identifies how much information presented has similar or different characteristics.
  17. Conflict
    • (n.) the power or struggle in a story that triggers action. There are five basic types of conflicts:
    • Person vs. Person- One character in a story has a problem with one or more of the other characters.
    • Person vs. Society- A character has a problem with some elements of society. The law, the accepted way of doing things, and so on.
    • Person vs. Nature- A character has a problem with some natural happening.
    • Person vs. Fate- A character has to battle what seems to be an uncontrollable problem.
    • Person vs. Self- A character has a problem deciding what to do in a particular situation.
  18. Context
    (n.) the set of facts or circumstances surrounding an event or a situation in a piece of literature.
  19. Context Clues
    (n.) Information in the text that helps readers understand unfamiliar words or phrases, like drawings ore the definitions of words.
  20. Controlling Idea
    (n.) this is the main idea/focus that runs throughout the paper or text.
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9B English Vocabulary2
All nouns