1. asceticism
    training or discipline of the passions and the appetites
  2. Donatist
    • "true Christain chruch"-continuation of martyrs, no salvation outside of the church
    • opponents of Caecilian
    • thrived through N.Africa
    • appealed to Constantine
    • - emperor ruled against them
  3. cenobitic monasticism
    • - communities of monks
    • - "common life"
    • - monks avoid sin by leading a lifestyle of rules and prayer
  4. Basil of Caesarea
    • - urban monasticism
    • - monks provide service in cities and villages
    • - caring for the sick, raising orphans, providing food and clothing
  5. monasticism
    • - the way of life of monks
    • - separate from society to pray for the world and achieve salvation
    • - solitary, alone
  6. abbot
    spiritual leader that governed the cenobitic monasticism
  7. John Cassian
    • - organized monasteries
    • - wrote the Conferences and the Institutes
    • - standardize a form of monasticism
    • - stages of spiritual life
    • - pattern of living
  8. Pelagian controversy
  9. original sin
    • - Adam and Eve
    • - damaged human nature
    • - even a new born is not innocent against greed and envy
  10. lay investure
    • emperor and secular leaders appointed bishops and other church officials
    • appointed b/c of family connections
  11. Benedict of Nursia
    • - Roman
    • - lived as a hermit in a cave
    • - vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, stability: Monte Cassino
  12. feudal system
    • - economic and social system in the middle ages
    • - lords, vassal, land, serfs, peasants
    • - monasteries suffered because of the feudal system
  13. simony
    • - the buying and selling of spiritual things
    • - this included church leadership positions
  14. mysticism
    the spiritual experience a person achieves direct communion with the divine
  15. Symeon the New Theologian
    • - monk, abbot
    • - spirit centered of all christain writers
    • - supporter of mysticism
  16. Christendom
    • -government and church merging together
    • - Christianity merging with culture
  17. Cistercians
    • - most successful new order
    • - sought to restore the original simplicity of Benedictine monasticism
    • - manual labor and economic self support
    • -
  18. mendicants
    • - also known as friars
    • - most innovative
    • - restore apostolic life
  19. papal primacy
    • the monarchy of the pope, the power of the pope over issues/bishops
    • orthodox v. eastern
  20. filioque
    • "and the son" in the creed
    • orthodox opposed this addition bc it took away from the "father"
    • western added the phrase from the ecumenical council
  21. Eastern Catholic Churches
    • eastern orthodox
    • no one can tamper with the creed
    • church leadership conciliar
    • pope is important/ first but he does not have any special powers above bishops
    • not necessacarily the heighest authority
  22. Cathars
    • - practiced severe asceticism
    • - "pure ones"
    • - the world and the flesh were a work of an evil God
    • - southern France
  23. Pelagius
    • - monk who introduced the idea that original sin did not seriously damage the human capacity to do good
    • - human nature is essentially good
    • - human beings could live holy lives if they gave effort
    • - these ideas were condemned as heresy by the Catholic church
  24. alienation of property
    • - during the medieval period
    • - the practice of deeding church goods as the private inheritance of bishops' or priests' children
  25. Francis of Assisi
    founder of the franciscan order of the friars
  26. Dominicans
    • beggar friars
    • - radical understanding of the vow poverty
    • - preach and hear confessions
  27. via negativa
    • - negative approach
    • - all affirmations concerning God must be denied since the divine reality so far supersedes any word that can be said about it
  28. Pseudo-Dionysius
    • anonymous syrian monk and author
    • believed in via negativa
  29. pseudonymity
    • the practice of writing a document with a false name attached to it
    • honor the famous people, increase the authority of the document
  30. Thomas Aquinas
    • - Catholic theologian and saint
    • - integration of philosophy (Aristotle) into Christain faith
    • - reason and revelation
  31. scholasticism
    • - medieval theology that combined philosophy (truths) and Christianity
    • - faith and reason
    • - universities
  32. transubstantiation
    teaching how the appearance of the bread and wine do not change, but their essence does and becomes the body and blood of Jesus
  33. monk
    • single or solitary person
    • men and women who secluded themselves (deserts) to live a life in prayer and spiritual discipline
  34. Gregory I
    • - "servant of the servants of God"
    • - pope, his leadership was a model for future popes
    • - mission to convert the anglo-saxons
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