
  1. Sulfonamides were the
    first antibiotic drugs developed that effectively treated infections.
  2. Anti-bacterial agents meaning
    they are active against bacteria. Sulfadiazine, Sulfisoxazoll, and Sulfamethizole.
  3. Bacteriostatic is
    the ability to inhibit the activity of folic acid in bacterial cell metabolism. Sulfonamides. well absorbed by the GI system and excreted by the kidneys.
  4. Anorexia is
    loss of appetite is an example of a mild adverse reaction.
  5. Stomatitis is
    the inflammation of the mouth.
  6. Crystalluria is
    crystals in the urine.
  7. Urticaria are
  8. Pruritus is
  9. Toxic epidermal necrolysis or Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is
    generalized skin eruptions or severe reactions leading to potentially lethal conditions.
  10. Leukopenia is
    decrease in the number of white blood cells.
  11. T
  12. Thrombocytopenia is
    decrease in the number of platelets.
  13. Aplastic enemia is
    due to deficient red blood cell production in the bone marrow.
  14. Sulfadiazine uses
    UTI's, chancroid, acute otitis media, Hemophilius influenzae and meningococcal meningitis. rheumatic fever.
  15. Sulfasalazine uses
    UTI's, acute otitis media, Hemophilius influenzae and meningococcal meningitis. cause skin and urine to turn orange yellow.
  16. Sulfisoxazole uses
    UTI's, chancroid, acute otitis media, Hemophilius influenzae and meningococcal meningitis. rheumatic fever
  17. Trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole
    Acute Bacterial UTI's, acute otitis media, traveler's diarrhea due to E. coli.
  18. Mafenide uses
    second and third degree burns.
  19. Silver sulfadiazine uses
    second and third degree burns.
  20. Oral anticoagulants uses
    blood thinner, prevent clot formation.
  21. Methotrexate uses
    immunosupression and chemotherapy
  22. Hydantoins uses
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