English: 1-5

  1. curtial
    • to cut short
    • Verb
  2. filch
    • to steal
    • verb
  3. exalt
    • to rejoice
    • verb
  4. lethal
    • deadly, fatal
    • adj
  5. manifold
    • many, varied, having many different parts features or forms
    • adj
  6. profound
    • very deep
    • adj
  7. molten
    • melted
    • adj
  8. quest
    • search
    • noun
  9. sot
    • a drunkard
    • noun
  10. succumb
    • to yield, to give in
    • verb
  11. succulent
    • juicy
    • adj
  12. wrangle
    • to quarrel
    • verb
  13. ursine
    • like a bear
    • verb
  14. viaduct
    • a bridge
    • noun
  15. rigorous
    • strict
    • adj
  16. massive
    • huge; bulky
    • adj
  17. locus
    • a place, a location
    • noun
  18. deft
    • skillful
    • adj
  19. ulcerous
    • infected
    • adj
  20. verity
    • a statement of truth
    • noun
  21. verbose
    • wordy
    • adj
  22. wolfish
    • ferocious
    • adj
  23. ovoid
    • egg-shaped
    • adj
  24. jeopardy
    • danger
    • noun
  25. ennui
    • boredom
    • noun
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English: 1-5