History question 5 chapter 7

  1. What are the powers of the executive branch over the other branches?
    A power of the executive branch over the legislative branch is the power of the president to veto bills that congress has passed.

    A power of the executive branch over the judicial branch is the power to appoint federal judges and supreme court justices.
  2. What are the powers of the legislative branch over the other branches?
    A power of the legislative branch over the executive branch is the power of congress to override the presidents veto with two-thirds majority in both houses of congress.

    The power of the legislative branch over both the executive and the judicial branches is the power of congress to impeach if officials have done wrong.
  3. What are the powers of the judicial branch over the other branches?
    A power of the judicial branch over the executive branch is that federal judges serve for life. They cant be fired by the president.

    A power of the judicial branch over the legislative branch is the supreme court to nullify laws congress passes if they are unconstitutional.
Card Set
History question 5 chapter 7
For each branch of government, give examples of how it's power checks or balances each of the other two branches of the government.