ch 11

  1. Bands
    • People whithin small groupols, often of the same kinship.

  2. Community ecology
    • The study of the structure and function of biological communities

  3. dispersion
    • The horizontal spacing of plants or animals that may be random, uniform or regular, or clumped or contagious.

  4. ecological community
    • An assemblage of species populations occurring together within a partuclar geographic area whose ecological functions and dynamics ar ein some way interdependent.

  5. Economics
    • The study of how people allocate scarce resources for various uses.

  6. Foraging
    • Subsistence activities that rely on wild food resurces of the major portionsthe food supply.

  7. Horticulture
    • Subsistence agriculture using simple tools and without complex irrigation and ferilization techniques.

  8. Intensive agriculture
    • A subsistence activity in which tehnology and labor are used to create artificial ecosystems, with domisticated plants and animals supplanting the native community and human use of fertilizers and irrigation systems supllanting natural nutrient cycles.

  9. life form
    • The morphology of a plant based on the relation of the ground surface to the plant's embryonic or regenerating tissue.

  10. migration
    • The movement of individuals or their propagules ( ex: seeds, spores, larvae) from one area to another.

  11. nomadism
    • The movement of an entire social group to meet resource needs.

  12. non renewable resources

    A resource that is not replaceable (ex: fossil fuel).

  13. Paeloecology
    • The study of ecological communities based on their fossil record

  14. pastoralism
    • The reliance on herding domisticated animals as the major food resource for a society

  15. phenology
    • The periodic phenomena in organisms that are tied to periodic environmental change

  16. phylogeny
    • The origin and evolution of a group of animals or plants

  17. physiognomy
    • The form and sgtructgure of an ecological community

  18. primary succession
    • The sequential changes that occur in cological communties that develop in newly created environments

  19. succession
    • The tendency of ecological communties to follow fairly predictiable patterns of change

  20. renewable resources
    • A resource that is replaceable. ex: oxygen

  21. sustained yields
    • The maintenance of resources that can be replaced or renewed and therefor are not depleted

  22. secondary succession
    • Teh sequential changes that occur in cological communities that have been disturbed

  23. subsidized agriculture
    • Meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

  24. Swidden agriculture
    • A horticultural practice in which vegetation is slashed and burned to clear a plot for planting crops

  25. transhumance

  26. vertical stratification
    • The movement of only a portion of a social grop to meet resurce needs, the other portion of the group remaining in a permanent settlement.

  27. zonation
    • A vertical or horizontal belt characterized by a particular assemblage of plants or animals
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ch 11
Ch 11