AP exam 3

  1. Structures in production of speech
    • – Lungs (respiration)
    • – Larynx (phonation)
    • – Vocal tract (articulation)
    • • Pharynx • Oral cavity • Nasal cavity
  2. source-filter theory
    • basic theory of speech sound production
    • - A sound source is created by constricting the expiratory air flow from the lungs
    • -The sound source is modified by the vocal tract, which acts as a sound filter
  3. Mobile/Active Articulators
    • – Tongue
    • • Tip, blade, dorsum, root• Epiglottis
    • – Jaw (mandible)
    • – Velum (soft palate)
    • – Lips/cheeks
    • – Larynx/hyoid bone
  4. Immobile/Passive Articulators
    • – Alveolar ridge
    • – Hard palate
    • – Teeth
    • – Posterior pharyngeal wall
  5. Bones of the Face
    • -mandible
    • -maxillae
    • -nasal bone
    • -palatine bone
    • -vomer
    • -zygomatic bone
  6. Mandible
    Ramus articulates with skull on each side
  7. mental symphysis
    midline fusion of the mandible
  8. maxilla
    • -Frontal process articulates with frontal bone of the skull and nasal bone
    • -Infraorbital margin is the medial and inferior border of the eye
  9. cleft palate
    • – Cleft palate occurs along the intermaxillary suture, when the tongue fails to descend during development
    • – Cleft lip usually found at the premaxillary suture, when tissues fail to fuse
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AP exam 3
ap exam 3