abbreviations lymph blood immune musc-skel

  1. AB, ab (2 meanings)
    Abortion, antibodies
  2. ALL
    acute lymphocytic anemia
  3. AML
    acute myelogenous leukemia
  4. APTT
    activated PTT
  5. CLL
    chronic lymphotcytic leukemia
  6. CML
    chronic myelogenous leukemia
  7. HDN
    hemolytic disease of the newborn
  8. MCH
    • mean corpuscular hemoglobin
    • mean cell hemoglobin
  9. MCHC
    mean corpuscular/cell hemoglobin concentration
  10. MCV
    mean cell volume
  11. PCV
    packed cell volume
  12. poly, PMN, PMNL
    polymorphonuclear leukocyte
  13. segs
    segmented neutrophils
  14. AE, BE
    • above the elbow
    • below the elbow
  15. AK, BK
    above the knee, below the knee
  16. Ca (2 meanings)
    • cancer
    • calcium
  17. CDH
    congenital dislocation of the hip
  18. CTS
    carpal tunnel
  19. DJD
    degenerative joint disease
  20. EMG
  21. Fx
  22. HD (3 meanings)
    • hemodialysis
    • hip disarticulation
    • hearing distance
  23. HNP
    herniated nucleus pulposus (herniated disc)
  24. HP
  25. IS
    intracostal space
  26. IM (2 meanings)
    • intramuscular
    • infectious mono
  27. KD
    knee disarticulation
  28. MG
    myasthenia gravis
  29. MS (4 meanings)
    • musculoskeletal
    • multiple sclerosis
    • mental status
    • mitral stenosis
  30. P (2 meanings)
    • phosphorus
    • pulse
  31. SD
    shoulder disarticulation
  32. THA
    total hip arthroplasty
  33. THR
    total hip replacement
  34. TKA
    total knee arthroplasty
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abbreviations lymph blood immune musc-skel
gylys abbrev 9-10