World History II

  1. first 1/2 of the 1800's known as this
    Metternich Era
  2. The revolutions from the 1820's- 1848 were a conflict between:
    Absolute Monarchy and Constitutionalism
  3. 1820's: Univ. and teachers tried to write constitution and failed
  4. What were the 3 states the Italian Peninsula needed in the 1820's?
    Venetia, Lombardi, and the Papal States
  5. 1820's: This group worked for independence and unification of the Italian Peninsula
  6. 1820's: The fight for independence of Greece was led by
  7. What was the only successful revolution in the 1820's?
  8. 1820's: What country tried to limit the power of their ruler by constitution and failed?
    Russia (Czar Nicholas I)
  9. 1815: This law allowed for raised/high food prices til the end of the British Revolution
    Corn Laws
  10. 1832: In Britain, this change in voter districts gave working men a little more representation in Praliament
    Reform Bill
  11. 1838: In GB, gave the right to vote for all adult males
    People's Charter
  12. 1839: In GB, this was the name of the group fighting to lower food prices w/ an eventual win in 1846
    Anti-Corn Law League
  13. 1847: In GB, women and boys under 12 couldn't work more than 10 hours a day/ 7 days a week under this law
    Ten Hour Act
  14. 1830's France: this group wanted to return to absolutism
  15. (A Reactionary) declared himself absolute monarch. Was thrown out after 3 days
    Charles X (replaced Louis XVIII)
  16. Bourgeoisie King (or people's king)
    Louis Philippe
  17. France (Louis Philippe) invades this country and fails. Only successful revolution in the 1830's!
  18. 'Belgium would be neutral and independent in perpetuity (forever)' signed by all European powers.
    Guarantee of 1839
  19. 1831: this country wanted its land back. Most of it's ppl lived in Germany.
  20. 1831-32: Italian Peninsula
    'Carbonari' become 'Young Italy' led by Guiseppe and Mazzinni
  21. 1830-33: German States
    Carls Badd Decree
  22. Four Common Factors of the Revolutions of 1848:
    • 1) Nationalism
    • 2) Romanticism
    • 3) Liberalism
    • 4) Economic Problems
  23. 1848: Ppl no longer wanted a monarchy, they wanted a __________
    Second French Republic
  24. What was the conflict of the Second French Republic?
    • -during transition, two different men ruled
    • -the 'Dole' (Welfare) was started, but they ran out of $
  25. France 1848: Ppl rioted b/c of lack of $. Authorities had to come in to end riots.
    "June Days"
  26. France 1848: This person was elected and calmed things down
    Prince Louis Napoleon
  27. Italian peninsula 1848: Who faught w/ the Carbonari for Italian independence?
  28. Italian Peninsula 1848: Who faught w/ Young Italians for Italian independence? (2)
    Garibaldi and Cavor
  29. Metternich's home country
  30. Austrian ruling family
  31. 1848: What did the Hapsburgs do in Austria?
    Signed a constitution and then ran away w/ fear
  32. 1848: New Hapsburg loyal to Austria who the army puts on the throne
    Franz Joseph
  33. 1848: The two potential countries who try to gain their independence from the lack of leadership in Austria at this time
    Bohemia and Hungary
  34. 1848: Rulling family of Prussia
  35. 1848: ruler of Prussia
    Frederick William IV
  36. 1848: Frederick William IV
    weak ruler of Prussia who ok'ed the writing of a constitution and then did not approve of it b/c not all German states signed it and thus threw it out.
  37. 1848: this man told Frederick William IV (Prussia) to 'man up' and that he needed to rule all German states
    Otto Von Bismarck
  38. 1848: the name of the group of German states that met up w/ Bismarck in Frankfurt to sign constitution
    National Assembly
  39. a change from making goods at home to in a factory, by hand to a machine (1780)
    Industrial Revolution
  40. Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England? (9)
    • 1) Stable Government: Eng. had stable gov't since 1688 (Glorious Revolution)
    • 2) Experienced Business Class: b/c of trade w/ colonies
    • 3) Good Markets: in colonies
    • 4) Moble Wage- Earning Class: from farmers moving to cities to be factory workers
    • 5) Central Bank: who regulates $ supply and value
    • 6) Good transportation: island, rivers, canals, ports
    • 7) No international tarrifs (taxes): so products could move cheaply
    • 8) Generally, higher standard of living in England: ppl had a little $, so there was a market @ home
    • 9) Good Natural Resources: Coal, Iron-Ore, & Water
  41. The Industrial Revolution began w/ making what, since machines would only work so fast and were made of wood, then iron, then steel?
  42. If this had not improved, then industry would not have happened:
  43. Why did the Industrial Revolution not move to continental Europe til after 1815?
    They were in the midst of other revolutions and they had to defeat Napoleon so they would have $
  44. Trade union in the German states to pool goods to trade together
  45. Hand craftsan in England that decided to burn the factories one night b/c the factories were making their products faster and cheaper
  46. Children 8 and under would be in a factory school (9-13 worked 8hr/day, 14-17 12hr/day, 18 & up whatever told)
    Factory Act of 1833
  47. Women and boys under 10 could not work in underground mines
    Mines Act of 1842
  48. Formed a union (too big to work) later organized by craft
    Robert Owen
  49. All Adult males could vote
    Chartist Movement
  50. What caused town population growth in Europe in the Industrial Revolution?
    Factories furnished many jobs in the towns so ppl moved there from the country
  51. What caused emigration from Europe during the Industrial Revolution?
    Too much pop. growth in Euro. factory towns, so they moved to America
  52. What happened in Non-Industrialized Ireland during the Industrial Revolution?
    Potato Blight (drought, had to start raising sheep)
  53. Most radical ideas were _________
  54. What economic group wants to 'stay the same'
  55. What economic group wants to 'make a change'
  56. (Liberal)- "Gov't should butt out of business"
    Adam Smith
  57. "We're all gonna die. Earth can't provide enough food, so we need to: 1. have a big war or epidemic to kill ppl off or 2. don't marry til after child bearing age and abstain til then"
  58. "Iron law of Wages"- never pay wages very much, they have plenty of kids, there will always be an oversupply of labor.
  59. Can be +/-: loyal to gov't or too loyal (Hitler, Musolini, can lead to violence or aggression)
  60. Began in France and main thought is about the right to a job is sacred
  61. 'Gov't should furnish jobs for everyone'
  62. Eutopian Society
  63. 'The right to work is sacred and gov't should see that everyone has a job'
  64. Began in France. No gov't at all. Gov't just makes ppl mad
  65. Anarchist
    Pierre Proudhon
  66. German. 'Wealth is bad. Should not work to gain wealth.' Went to France to study.
    Karl Marx
  67. 'The Dialectic'. Influenced Karl Marx.
  68. Thesis & antiTHESIS > synTHESIS & antiTHESIS > synTHESIS (and it goes on and on...)
    applied to nobles and wealth:
    Nobles & Bougoiseie > Boug & Proletariat (this fight was still going on) > Prolet. (eventually it will end here w/ the workers owning the factories)
    Dialectical Materialism
  69. Written by Marx and Engles telling workers to unite against the owners
    'Communist Manifesto'
  70. (Marx) Explanation about how bad capitalism was. Stated that it would collapse on its own.
    'Das Kapital'
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World History II
Exam II