Psych personality TEST 3

  1. personality
    the unique and relatively stable ways in which people think feel and behave
  2. character
    value judgements of a persons moral and ethical behavior
  3. unconscious mind
    level of the mind in which thoughts feelings memories and other information are kept that are not easily or voluntarily brought into consciousness
  4. id
    part of the personality present at birth and completely unconscious
  5. ego
    part of the personality that develops out of a need to deal with reality mostly conscious rational and logical
  6. superego
    oart of the personality that acts as a moral center "moral watch dog"
  7. conscience
    part of the superego that produces pride or guilt depending on how acceptable behavior is
  8. identification
    defense mechanism in which a person tries to become like someone else to deal with anxiety
  9. neo-freudians
    followers od Freud who developed their own competing psychodynamic theories
  10. Jung
    disagreed with Freud about the nature of the unconscious mind; he believed that the unconscious mind held much more than personal fears urges and memories.

    believed that we all have personal unconscious minds but we are all born with collective memories
  11. Alder
    disagreed with Freud over importance of sexuality in personality development;

    "inferior feelings" this man was not a stage theorists
  12. locus of control
    the tendency for people to assune that they either do or do not have control over their life
  13. 1. neuroticism
    2. extraversion
    3. openness
    4. agreeableness
    5. consciousness
    five factor model (BIG FIVE) - model of personality traits that describes 5 basic traits and abilities
  14. ideal self
    (carl Rogers) ones perception of whom one should be or would like to be
  15. actual (real) self
    (Carl Rogers) ones perception of actual characteristics traits and abilities
  16. projective test
    no right or wrong answer - personality assessments that present ambiguous visual stimuli to the client & ask the client to respond with whatever comes to mond
  17. objective test
    (MMPI) has correct answers multiple choice personality test
  18. rating scales
    assessment in which a numerical value is assigned to specific behavior that is listed in the scale
  19. Rorschach inkblots test
    projective tests that uses 10 inkblots as the ambiguous stimuli
  20. humanistic theory
    (Carl Rogers) "the third force" in psychology that focuses on those aspects of personality that make people unequaly human such as subjective feelings & freedom of choice
  21. (0-1) Oral
    Freuds psychosexual stages; pleasure from eating and vocalizing
  22. (1-3) Anal
    Freuds psychosexual stages; pleasure from retention or repulsion of feces
  23. (3-5) phallic
    Freuds psychosexual stages; pleasure from touching genitals, oepdipal (male) and electra (female) complexes
  24. (6-11) Latency
    Freuds psychosexual stages; identification with same sex parent
  25. (12-18) Genital
    Freuds psychosexual stages; heterosexual attraction
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Psych personality TEST 3