Psych Development Test 3

  1. nature
    the influence of our inherited characteristics on our personality, physical, growth, intellectual growth & social interactions
  2. nurture
    the influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth & social interactions
    Piaget based his theories on this. Piaget said they needed time, ability and experience to learn
  4. Sensorimotor
    Piaget says from birth to 2 yrs old the child is in __________ stage
  5. object permenance
    Piaget developed _________ ____________ if something is in sight or out of sight.
  6. preoperational
    Piaget called the __________ stage a time of developing language concepts (ages 2-7).

    • Cant do logical thinking
    • understand synbolic thinking
    • very egocentristic
  7. concrete operational
    Piaget said that children cant think about abstract thinking and needs to be able to see, touch objects in the __________ ____________ stage (7-12)
  8. formal operational
    Piaget said that from ages 12- adulthood abstract thinking becomes available and is the last stage of cognitive thinking is the ________ __________ stage.
  9. permoral (very young children)
    Kohlbergs theory of moral development that the consequences determine morality.

    EX: a child who steals a toy from another child and does not get caught does not see that action as wrong
  10. conventional (older children)
    Kohlbergs theory of moral development that conformity to social norms is right: non conformity is wrong : most people stay in this stage

    Ex: A child critisizes his or her parents for speeding because speeding is against the laws.
  11. postconventional morality
    Kohlbergs theory of __________ ________ is that moral principles determined by the person are used to determine right and wrong and may disagree with societal norms.

    Ex: A reporter who wrote a controversial story goes to jail rather that reveal the sources identity.
  12. trust vs mistrust (0-1)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one feels safe is ______________
  13. autonomy vs doubts (1-3)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one gains independence and self confidence is _________________________
  14. initiative vs guilt (3-6)
    Ericksons turning point where one explores the environment is __________
  15. industry vs inferiority (6-11)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one learns how things work is ___________
  16. identity vs role confusion (11-18)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one forms positive self concept is ___________
  17. intimacy vs isolation (young adulthood)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one form meaningful social relationships is _____________
  18. generality vs self-absorption (middle adulthood)
    Ericksons 8 tuening points where one develops concern about the world is _____________
  19. integrity vs despair (old age)
    Ericksons 8 turning points where one worries about acheiving personal fullfillment is __________________
  20. authoritarian
    Baunrind 3 basic styles of parenting where parent is rigid and overly strict is ______________
  21. Permissive
    Baumrind 3 basic styles of parenting where parent makes few demands is ____________
  22. Authoritative
    Baumrind 3 basic styles of parent where parent is affectionate with firm limits on behavior
  23. Imprint
    first thing they see (like bird) not humans
  24. Harlow experiment
    movie on monkeys with social deprivation
  25. denial - refuse to believe diagnosis is death
    anger - feeling of helplessness to change things
    bargaining - tries to make a deal with God
    depression - sadness
    acceptance - expect the inevitable & wuitly awaits death
    Elizabeth Kubler Ross conducted extinsive interviews with dying persons she has 5 stages of death which are
  26. fluid intelligence
    children only have ___________ intelligence
  27. crystalin
    old age has ____________ intelligence
Card Set
Psych Development Test 3
Test 3 developmental theories, death process, moral development, psychosocial development