a-, an-
Prefix meaning "no," "not," or "without."
Prefix meaning "away from."
An area of the body that lies between the pelvis and the thorax; contains the intestines, stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas, and other organs. Also called belly or venter.
Combining form meaning "abdomen."
Pertaining to the abdomen. Also called celiac.
abdominal hysterectomy
Surgical removal of the uterus through the abdominal wall.
abdominal paracentesis
Surgical puncturing of the abdominal cavity for the removal of fluid for treatment or diagnosis.
abdominal quadrant
Any of four areas of the abdomen divided by two imaginary lines that intersect at the umbilicus.
An aspiration of fluid from the abdominal cavity by surgical puncture. Also called paracentesis.
Pertaining to the abdomen and the gallbladder. Also called abdominovesical and vesicoabdominal.
Pertaining to the abdominal and pelvic regions.
abdominopelvic cavity
The area between the groin and the diaphragm.
abdominoperineal resection
An excision of the rectum and the colon through perineal and abdominal approaches.
Surgical tightening of the abdominal muscles.
Pertaining to the thorax and the abdomen. Also called thoracoabdominal and thoracicoabdominal.
The act of drawing away from the medial plane or, in the case of the fingers and toes, from the axial line of a limb.
A muscle that abducts, or draws a body structure away from the midline.
Removal of a part by surgery, chemical destruction, electrocautery, or radiofrequency.
Medication that terminates pregnancy.
The premature expulsion of an embryo or nonviable fetus from the uterus; the premature halt of any process.
The wearing away of the skin, teeth, or other structure by injury or mechanical process.
abruptio placentae
The premature detachment of the placenta, often accompanied by shock, oliguria, and coagulation abnormalities.
A collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue and caused by localized infection.
The uptake of a substance across or into tissue such as intestine, skin, and kidney tubules.
Total avoidance of sexual intercourse as a contraceptive option that does not involve medications, surgery or devices; 100% effective.
Suffix meaning "pertaining to."
Inability to perform mathematical calculations.
Combining form meaning "spiny" or "thorny."
A deficiency or absence of carbon dioxide in the blood, usually caused by hyperventilation.
Refractory adjustment of the lens of the eye.
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are drugs that are used to reduce high blood pressure.
Combining form denoting relationship to the acetabulum (hip socket).
The large, cup-shaped cavity on the lateral surface of the os coxae in which the ball-shaped head of the femur articulates.
A colorless, volatile, aromatic liquid ketone body produced in ketoacidosis.
A direct-acting cholinergic agonist that serves as a neurotransmitter and mediates synaptic activity of the skeletal muscles and the nervous system.
An enzyme found in the central nervous system. It inactivates and prevents accumulation of acetylcholine by hydrolyzing it to acetate and choline.
An impairment of esophageal peristalsis along with the lower esophageal sphincter's ability to relax. Also called cardiospasm, esophageal aperistalsis, and megaesophagus.
Disorder of the growth of cartilage at the epiphyses of the long bones and skull, resulting in dwarfism.
Impairment of color vision. Inability to distinguish between certain colors because of abnormalities of the photopigments produced in the retina. Also called color blindness.
Any of a large class of chemical substances with properties essentially opposite to those of bases. Acid releases hydrogen ions when dissociated in solution.
acid-base balance
A condition that occurs when the net rate at which acids or bases are produced by the body equals the net rate at which they are excreted, resulting in a stable concentration of hydrogen ions in body fluids.
A decreased pH, therefore an increased hydrogen ion concentration, of the blood.
acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain
method of testing used on sputum to detect the presence of acid-fast bacilli, a type of bacillus that resists decolorization by acid and causes tuberculosis.
Drugs that lower the pH of the urine.
A condition characterized by the accumulation of acid products (hydrogen and acid ions) or depletion of alkaline reserves (bicarbonate content) in body tissues or the blood, leading to a decrease in pH.
An inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit.
acne vulgaris
A chronic form of acne, with lesions appearing most often on the face, back, and chest. Also called common acne.
An instrument that measures hearing acuteness.
Combining form denoting relationship to hearing.
acoustic neuroma
A benign tumor that develops from the vestibulocochlear nerve and grows within the auditory canal; may cause hearing loss, facial numbness, and tinnitus.
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
A transmissible, epidemic retroviral disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and affecting the body's immune system. AIDS is transmitted most often through sexual contact with infected individuals, contaminated needles for IV drug use, and contaminated blood transfusions.
Combining form denoting relationship to an extremity, top, or extreme point.
A condition characterized by persistent uneven bluish or red discoloration of the extremities, with profuse sweating and coldness of the fingers and toes. Also called Raynaud sign.
Inflammation affecting the skin of the extremities, especially the feet and the hands.
An abnormal coldness of the feet and the hands.
A chronic disease of adults marked by the enlargement of distal portions of the skeleton (nose, ears, jaws, toes, and fingers) and caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone.
Combining form denoting relationship to the acromion.
acromioclavicular (AC) joint
The joint where the acromion and clavicle articulate.
The lateral extension of the scapula, forming the highest point of the shoulder. Also called acromial process and acromion scapulae.
The paralysis of the extremities.
An irrational fear of heights.