
  1. ABCs of CPR?
    • AIRWAY
  2. Heart attacl warning signs?
    • Pain in chest or arm
    • indigestion
    • sweating
    • grab neck
    • difficulty breathing
  3. First step in airway obstruction?
    • "Can you speak?"
    • "are you choking?"
    • Conscious or unconscious?
  4. EMS?
    emergenecy medical system- 911
  5. compression-ventilation radtio (all ages)
  6. Breathing Rate (Adult)
    • 1 breath every 5 seconds
    • (mouth to mouth)
  7. Pulse check (infant)
    branchial (arm)
  8. consequences of stress
    heart attack, stroke, overweight, eating disorders, illness
  9. The stress response
    • -increase heart rate
    • - increase breathing
    • - sweating
    • - adrenaline
    • -butterflies in stomach
  10. Fight- Flight- Freeze- Compromise are examples of what?
    ways we react to stress
  11. Ego Defense Mechanism
    Ways body protects itself: unconscious ways we protect ourselves from our feelings
  12. Stress: Good, Bad, Perception-
    ways we deal with what we perceive as stress
  13. Causes of Child Abuse
    • -lack of education
    • -alcohol
    • -drugs
    • -no jobs
  14. Date Rape... Why?
    • -too trusting
    • -usually someone you know
  15. Sexual Assault... Who and Where?
    - usually in familiar surroundings
  16. Fats
    • 9 calories/grams
    • Visable fat-mayo
    • HDL**
    • LDL
  17. Carbohydrates
    • 4 calories/grams
    • rice, pasta, cereals
  18. Proteins
    • 4 calories/gram
    • meats, and eggs
  19. Water
    essential for life
  20. Minerals
    inorganic substance needed in good amounts
  21. Vitamins
    • organic substances that regulate body functions; fat soluble(A,D,E,K)
    • water soluble(C, B complex)
  22. RDA
    recamended daily allowance

    Teenagers (4 foods)
  23. Fiber
    keeps you regular, moves food along
  24. Aerobic exercise
    • running
    • swimming
    • biking
    • anything you do for over 20 minutes
    • L O N G E R
  25. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
    ability of body to keep going after anaerobic respiration expires
  26. Progressive Resistance Training
    Increase weights or increase repetitions to increase strength
  27. Nutrients- necessary to sustain life
    • fats
    • carbohydrates
    • protiens
    • vitamins
    • minerals
    • water
  28. Bulmia
    intentionally eating and throwing up psychological problem needed counseling
  29. Body Composition
    no body fat/ lean body tissue= muscle, bones, organs
  30. set-point theory
    metabolic rate individually determined; figured how many calories to lose
  31. Warm up - exercise- Cool down
    • phases of work out warm up
    • increase heart rate/ 20 minutes minimum exercise/ cool down
    • decrease heart rate to resting
  32. Estrogen and Progesterone
    2 female hormones
  33. ovulation
    when egg gets released from follicle day- 14
  34. menstuation
    shedding of uterine lining monthly unless pregnancy occurs
  35. Leukimia
    blood cancer
  36. Non- Verbal communication
    body language/ sign language
  37. Prevnt spread of stds
    • safe sex
    • condoms
    • abstinence
  38. diaphragm
    • barrier method
    • should be used w/ spermicide foam or jelly
  39. saline injection
    method of abortion inject saline in uterus------>abortion
  40. male sterilization
  41. testicles and epididymis
    place where sperm are made and stored for up to 6 weeks
  42. prostate gland and uretha
    • adds fluid to sperm
    • passageway for sperm,semine, and urine
  43. vas deferens
    passageway from testicles to inside of body to the uretha
  44. Vagina
    • Birth Canal
    • place where baby grows and developes
  45. Clitoris
    • most sensative part of female; nerve endings
    • holds baby in uterus
  46. ovaries
    fallopian tubes
    • eggs prduced and stored on them
    • passageway from ovary to uterus
  47. AIDS
    • stage one=HIV
    • stage two= Aids, full blown aids
  48. Herpes
    STD- no cure; can treat symptoms; contagious
  49. STD prevention
    • symptoms- limit sex partners, practice abstinence,
    • symptoms may or may nor be present
  50. Five stages of Terminally Ill
    • 1.denials
    • 2. anger
    • 3. bargaining
    • 4. depression
    • 5. acceptance
  51. Euthanasia
    letting person decide for themselves whether they want to be kept alive by extraordinary means
  52. Will
    legal document designating who gets what assets
  53. Chronic suicide conditions
    • depression
    • lack of motivation
  54. reasons for suicide
    no goals, feeling alone, no attention, anger, crisis
  55. cancer
    abnormal cell growth
    something known to cause cancer
  56. arteriosclerosis
    increase plaque in arteries narrowing blood vessels
  57. stroke
    heart disease- broken blood vessel in brain- damage to the vessels or muscle
  58. malignant
    • metastasis- spreading
    • spreading into blood and being dropped off anywhere
  59. biopsy
    surgical removal of tissue used for diagnosis
  60. benign tumor
    non cancerous
    bunch of abnormal group of cells
  61. Four Cancerous Treatments
    • 1.lasers
    • 2.radiation
    • 3.chemotherapy
  62. cardiovascular diseases and their causes
    • diseases of heart and blood
    • vessels- lack of exercise, improper diet
  63. systolic blood pressure
    top # contraction phase of heart- higher #
  64. Cancer Warning Signs
    • Change in bowel or bladder habbits
    • A sire that does not heal
    • Unusual bleeding or discharge
    • Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere
    • Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing
    • Obvious change in wart or mole
    • Nagging cough or hoarseness
  65. aggressive
  66. enabling behavior
    • not helping person with problem
    • letting them keep destroying themselves
  67. fetal alcohol/chemical syndrome
    mother drinks- baby addicted to alcohol
  68. alcholics anonymous
    group for alcoholics help/counseling
  69. THC
    • active ingredient in marijuana
  70. cirrhosis
    disease of liver due to alcohol abuse
  71. trafficking
    drugs being brought in illegaly
  72. D.U.I/B.A.C
    • - .08 blood alcohol level/concentration
    • - driving under the influence
  73. Withdrawal
    symptoms expierienced when you stop using the drug
  74. allergic and toxic reactions
    reactions may cause comlications/ death due to chemical makeup
  75. controlled substance act
    • put drugs on schedule I-V
    • 1 highest
    • 5 OTC
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final exam terms