Nancys Definitions

  1. What is the definition for acute?
    Having a quick onset and lasting a short period of time with a relatively severe course.
  2. What is the definition for Atrophy?
    A reduction in size or wasting of cells, tissues, or organs as a result of poor nutrition or nonuse.
  3. What is the definition for Congenital?
    Existing at, and usually before, birth and resulting from genetic or environmental factors.
  4. What is the definition for Dysplasia?
    Abnormal tissue development
  5. What is the definition for Hematogenous spread?
    Spread through the blood.
  6. What is the definition for Idiopathic?
    Having no identifiable causative factor.
  7. What is the definition for Manifestations?
    Observable changes resulting from cellular changes in the disease process.
  8. What is the definition for Mortality Rate?
    The number of deaths from a particular disease averaged over a population.
  9. What is the definition for Seeding?
    The traveling of cancerous cells to a distant site or distant organ.
  10. What is the definition for Virulence?
    The ease with which an organism overcomes body defenses.
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Nancys Definitions
Definitions for nancys quiz