history-first test

  1. what are the differences between Prehistoric and Historic history/
    • prehistoric- no written records, fossils and artifacts, relative dates
    • historic- written records, absolute dates
  2. Paleolithic period
    hunter gatherers, nomads
  3. neolithic period
    farming, domesticated animals, settlements
  4. 5 things paleolithic people needed to survive
    • 1.hunt/gather - food
    • 2.shelters - caves
    • 3.tools - stone
    • 4.warmth/light- fire
    • 5.communication- cave art
  5. why is the shift from gathering food to farming one of the greatest accomplishments of mankind?
    • -people can live in a permanent place
    • -develop culture
    • -permanent food supply
    • -domestication of animals
    • -surplus led to more leisure time to develop tools
    • -gave people jobs
    • -gradually trading develops
  6. 2 early villages
    • Catal Huyuk
    • Jarmo
  7. 4 river valleys where civilization begins
    • 1. tigris and euphrates (modern day Iraq)
    • 2. nile river (egypt)
    • 3. indus river (india)
    • 4. yellow river (china)
  8. what seas border the fertile crescent?
    • west- Mediterranean
    • east- Persian gulf
  9. what mountains border the fertile crescent?
    • west- taurus mountains
    • east- zagros mountains
  10. what rivers are in the fertile crescent?
    tigris and euphrates
  11. what does mesopotamia mean?
    "the land between the rivers"
  12. five key components of civilization
    • 1. city life
    • 2. advanced technology
    • 3. specialized workers
    • 4. record keeping
    • 5. complex institutions
  13. ziggurat
    sumerian temple, center of trade, caused war among the city/states because they all prayed to their own gods
  14. cuneiform
    the form of writing in sumer
  15. scribes
    people who wrote down records in cuneiform, wrote with stylus
  16. dynasty
    a ruling family of more than one generation
  17. sargon of akkad
    • conquers sumer. empire lasts 100 years
    • conquered by hammurabi
  18. empire
    group of nations that is ruled by one leader
  19. hammurabi
    • created the first Babylonian empire
    • conquered sargon of akkad
  20. hammurabis code of law
    • first written law code
    • example of a complex institution
  21. social classes
    • 1. wealthy freemen
    • 2. freemen
    • 3. slaves
  22. what is the differences between the american law system and the babylonian law system?
    • american laws- doesnt cause damage to body, no monetary compensation
    • babylonian laws- an eye for an eye, monetary compensation
  23. what is the similarities between the american law system and the babylonian law system?
    both dont allow false accusations and both require proof
  24. what are the differences between the Torah and Hammurabis code of law?
    • Torah- G-d made, religious sins, values life
    • Hammurabis code of law- man made, king is above the law, doesnt value life as much (ex. a man can lose his life for just damaging property
  25. what nation started the Iron age?
  26. Phoenicia
    • -great sailors
    • -founded the city/state of carthage
    • -created an alphabet that was sound based opposed to cuneiform which had a different symbol for every word
  27. people who made the purple dye
  28. phonecias main cities
    tyre, sidon, byblos
  29. phonecias resources
    • cedar wood for boats
    • purple dye
  30. do the phoenicians qualify as a civilization?
    • 1.record keeping- alphabet
    • 2.complex institutions- Monarchy gov., polytheism(Ba'al),
    • 3.advanced technology- cedar wood boats, fullery, rowers and sails
    • 4.city life- traded dye and oils by boat
    • 5.specialized workers- sea traders, lumbermen, fishers, fullers
  31. Minoans
    • - traded with greece and asia minor
    • - peace loving people
    • - writing systems- linear A and linear B- michael ventris diciphered linear A but couldnt dicipher linear B
  32. how were the minoans destroyed?
    • theory 1- volcano erupted and caused tidal wave over them
    • theory 2- destroyed in war by Mycenaeans
  33. Palace of Knossos
    • fresco of dolphins in queens palace
    • red columns
  34. absolute monarchy
    leader has complete control over the people (dictatorship)
  35. constitutional monarchy
    leader is bound by a set of laws
  36. covenant between G-d and bnei yisrael
    G-d will protect us if we follow in his ways
  37. how does the journey in the desert change bnei yisrael?
    • -enter as slaves and exit as a nation
    • -learn about G-d's power
    • -we receive the 10 commandments
    • -learn compassion for others
  38. how does our religion differ from the neighbors?
    we are monotheistic
  39. why is Moshe an important figure in Jewish histroy?
    • -first leader
    • -took us out of Egypt through the desert
    • -most moral and humble human being in history
  40. restrictions on king for bnei yisrael
    • has to be jewish
    • cant have too much money, horses, and wives
    • has to write a copy of the Torah
    • has to follow the Torah
    • he is not above the law
  41. assyrian war strategies
    • dug tunnels under the walls of the city
    • shot waves of arrows over the walls
    • battering rams
    • ladders over the walls
  42. bas relief
    assyrian art
  43. king ashurbanipal
    built library with thousands of cuneiforms
  44. sancherib
    destroys kingdom of israel in the year 722 BCE
  45. 722 BCE
    kingdom of Israel destroyed and the Jews are exiled
  46. 586 BCE
    first beit hamikdash is destroyed by nebuchadnezzar
  47. accomplishments of king david
    • captures jerusalem from the yevusim
    • defeats the plishtim
    • brings the ark to Jerusalem
    • taxation system
  48. solomons building projects
    • first beit hamikdash
    • palace for him and his wives
    • wall around the city
    • stables for horses
  49. nebuchadnezzar
    • destryed first beit hamikdash
    • "hanging gardens"
    • Ishtar gate
    • expansionist
  50. 7 wonders of the world
    • 1. Hanging gardens of Babylon
    • 2. Lighthouse of Pharos
    • 3. Colossus of Phodes
    • 4. Pyramids of Giza
    • 5. Statue of Zues
    • 6. Temple of Artemis
    • 7. Mausoleum
  51. astrology
    attempts to predict the future using the movement of constellations
  52. astronomy
    the study of the stars and planets based on mathematical relationships
  53. foreign policy(2)
    • 1. expansionism- to increase your land holdings
    • 2. isolationism- to stay out of the business of other nations
  54. exiles(2)
    • 1.physical exile
    • 2.spiritual exile
  55. who defeats the Babylonians
    the Persians
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history-first test