Fundamentals of nursing

  1. Nurses Role
    • -The administration of medication to clients reguires knowledge and sets skill that are unique to the nurse.
    • -The nurse first assesses that the med ordered is the ccorrect med.
    • -assesses the client's ability to self administer meds.
    • -determine whether a client should recieve a med at a given time.
    • -administer the med correctly and monitor the effects of prescribed medications.
    • -educate client and familty about proper med administration and monitor.
    • -do not delagate any part of the med administration process to assistive personnel.
    • -use the nursing process to intergrate medication therapy into care
  2. Pharmacist role 2
    • Distribution system- system for storing and distributing med vary.
    • -Pharmacist provide and nurses distribute meds to clients. There are special med rooms, portable locked carts, computerized med cabinets and individual storage units.

    Unit dose System- carts contianing a drawer with 24 hour supply of med for each client reduces the number of med errors and saves steps in dispensing of all meds.

    Automated medication dispensing system- control the dispensing of all meds including narcotics security code, bio indentification, reduces errors.
  3. Pharmacist's role
    • - Pharmacist prepare and distributes prescribed meds. Pharmacist work with nurses, physicians and other health care providers to evalute the efficacy of medications.
    • -Pharmacists are responisble for filling prescriptions accuratley and for being sure prescriptions are valid.
    • - In a health care setting /agency pharm. rarley has to mix compounds or solutions,except in the case of IV solutions.
    • -Dispensing the correct medication in the proper dosage and amount with accurate label is the main task.
    • -include information about med side effects, toxicity, interactions and incompatabilites.
  4. Types of medication orders
    • standing order-days elapse/cancel
    • PRN order- med as needed
    • Single order-for preoperative situations
    • STAT order- immediatley and only once.
    • Now Order- quickly but not right away, 90min.
    • prescriptions -med outside the hospital/in detail.
  5. The prescriber's role 2
    • Verbal/telephone orders;
    • -The nurse who took the order writes the complete order or enters in computer and then reads it back and recieves comfirmation form the prescriber to confirm accuracy.
    • -The nurse writes the; Time, Name of prescriber,signs the order and follow agency policy to indicate order was read back, the prescriber countersigns the order at a later time with in 24 hours when the order was taken.
  6. The prescriber's role
    physcicians, Nurse Practitioner, Physician's Assistant prescribe medication.

    • -Writing a medication order on a form in clients record, orderbook,legal prescription pad.
    • -prescribers must document the diagnosis, condition, or need for use for each med ordered.
    • -hospitals are implementing computerized physician order entry to handle med orders to decrease errors.
    • -prescriber completes all computerized fields before the order, the med is filled thus avoiding incomplete ir illegible orders.
  7. Describe the factors to consider when choosing routes of administration.
    • 1. The route prescribed for administering a medication depends on the medication's properties and disired effect on the client's physical, mental condition.
    • 2. Work with a prescriber in determinig the best route for a client's medication
  8. Examine the nurses role and responsability in med administration?
    • 1. Nurse is responsible for evaluating the effects of medication on the client's health status.
    • 2. Teaching the clients about their medications and their side effects ensuring adherence with the medicationregimen.
    • 3.Evaluating the client's ability to self administer medications.
    • 4.In some cases nurses direct teaching and evaluating towards family member who helps with medication administration.
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Fundamentals of nursing