Air Force

  1. Cadet Flight Commander
    The Cadet FLT/CC plans and coordinates activities within the flight. The Cadet FLT/CC also notifies the Cadet SQ/CC of any problems within the flight and reports flight attendance to the Cadet SQ/CD during formations. The Cadet FLT/CC is responsible for execution of the daily schedule, to include ensuring that his/her flight arrives at all scheduled events on time.
  2. Cadet Deputy Flight Commander
    The Cadet FLT/CD assumes command of the flight in the absence of the Cadet FLT/CC. This individual is responsible for assembling the flight during formations, reporting attendance during fire drills/emergency evacuations, and receiving the report of element leaders. The Cadet FLT/CD also coordinates efforts for FT t-shirts and coins and other items (as applicable with the FTU/SDP). The Cadet FLT/CD serves as a member of the Professional Values Council (PVC) and is responsible for briefing honor lesson plans and facilitating discussions within the flight.
  3. Cadet Flight Academic Officer
    The Cadet FLT/AO reports to the Cadet GP/AO and is responsible for briefing academic lesson plans and leading discussions within the flight. The Cadet FLT/AO receives guidance from the Cadet GP/AO on curriculum and discussion topics. The Cadet FLT/AO is also responsible for receiving feedback from the flights and reporting feedback to the Cadet GP/AO.
  4. Cadet Flight Physical Fitness Officer
    The Cadet FLT/PFO manages the flight PT program by coordinating with the Cadet GP/PFO and the PT CTA. The Cadet FLT/PFO relays Cadet GP/PFO rules clarifications, ensures the safety and adequacy of the athletic areas, ensures flight members know the procedures and protocol for warm-up exercises, and administers warm-up exercises in the Cadet GP/PFO‘s absence. The Cadet FLT/PFO divides the flight into two permanent teams (each having an equivalent number of females and males) and ensures the flight members understand all game rules. The Cadet FLT/PFO also appoints team captains on a rotating basis. After game play, the home team Cadet FLT/PFO turns in the sports report to the PT CTA and returns all sports equipment to its proper storage location.
  5. Cadet Flight Standardization Officer
    The Cadet FLT/STANDO trains the flight on procedures outlined by the Cadet GP/STANDO, ensures standardization within the flight, and reports discrepancies to the Cadet FLT/CD.
  6. Cadet Flight Drill and Ceremonies Officer
    The Cadet FLT/D&C assists the Cadet GP/D&C with parade practices, parades, reveille, and retreat. The Cadet FLT/D&C also explains drill evaluation procedures to the flight and assists cadets with special drill, remedial drill, and drill competition IAW AFMAN 36-2203.
  7. Element Leader.
    Element leaders (three per flight) must account for each cadet in the element during duty hours. At formations, the element leader will take roll and report the results to the Cadet FLT/CD. While marching in formation, Element Leaders will call "Safety!” to identify any obstacles in the Flight‘s path. Any problems or concerns within the element should be reported to either the Cadet FLT/CD or Cadet FLT/CC.
  8. Guidon Bearer, Color Bearer, and Color Guard
    These cadets coordinate with the Cadet GP/D&C and perform duties as outlined in AFMAN 36-2203. The Color Bearer and Color Guard members must be present for duty at least 10 minutes prior to formations. Individuals will acquire and return equipment for practice/formal parades. Flight guidons must be at all activities unless the FT staff directs otherwise.
  9. Cadet Flight Safety Officer
    The Cadet Flight Safety Officer will ensure the flight is briefed on safety procedures, evacuation plans, and fire reporting procedures. This cadet monitors and ensures flight members are properly evacuated during fires and fire drills. The Flight Safety Officer also ensures that the flight carries road guard equipment to all activities, first aid kits to PT events, and flashlights when traveling during late evening and early morning activities. The Flight Safety Officer must ensure the alternate Safety Officer is knowledgeable of all safety-related procedures and policies.
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Air Force