com 101 test 3

  1. If people perceive that
    others support their opinions they will choose to do what?
    Express their opinions
  2. If people perceive that
    others do not support, or others disagree with, their opinions they will choose
    to do what?
    They remain silent
  3. People’s beliefs in their capabilities to achieve outcomes
    through the successful execution of behaviors.
  4. Self-efficacy how might it impact one’s
    willingness to publicly speak out about controversial issues?
    • People with High self-efficacy will speak out and those with
    • low self efficacy are less likely to speak because they feel that speaking out
    • will not change the status quo.
  5. is the fear and anxiety associated with real or anticipated
    communication with others
    Communication apprehension
  6. Communication apprehension

    Communication apprehension

    how might it impact one’s
    willingness to publicly speak out about controversial issues?
    • It may cause the individual
    • not to speak out depending on how much they feel this apprehension.
  7. Community engagement being
    involved in ones community Civic participation can be broadly defined as
    membership in formal, non-profit organizations. Such organizations include educational service groups (e.g.,
    like PTAs), recreational groups, work-related groups (e.g., labor unions and
    professional organizations), religious groups (in addition to churches), youth
    groups, service clubs, neighborhood groups, and charitable organizations
    civic participation
  8. According to Putnam, the
    last several decades have witnessed a serious deterioration of what?
    Community involvement
  9. Is the process of
    exerting positive influence over other group members
  10. Is predominantly autocratic the leader makes all the decisions for the group.
    • authoritarian leadership
    • style
  11. Is a nondirective style of leadership in which the leader
    exercises a hands-off approach it influence.
    • Laissez-faire leadership
    • style
  12. Allows members to
    participate fully in the decision making process
    democratic leadership style
  13. -
    Is the ability to influence and motivate others.

  14. -
    when leaders can discipline demote or dismiss group

    • coercive power (punishment
    • power)
  15. -
    The leader gives group members something that they
    value. Ex promotions, convenient work schedule
    reward power
  16. -
    Resides in a job , position, or assignment rather than
    in a person. Ex supervisors have authority over their workers.
    legitimate power
  17. -
    Is assigned to someone who has demonstrated a particular
    skill or special knowledge ( doctor)

    expert power
  18. Is role model power – the
    ability to influence that arises when one perso admires another .
    referent power
  19. Social collectives, or groups
    of people, in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and
    collective goals (
    An organization
  20. the way which groups of people both maintain structure and
    order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the
    freedom to accomplish their goals.
    • Organizational
    • communication
  21. Organizations that manufacture products and /or offer

    examples of organizations with an economic
    economic orientation
  22. generate and distribute power and control within society

    examples of organizations with a political
    Political orientation-organizations
  23. organizations that help to
    mediate and resolve discord among member of society
    Integration orientation
  24. organizations that promote
    cultural and educational regularity and development with in society
    • Pattern-maintenance
    • orientation
  25. patterns of relationships
    through which information flows in an organizations
    Communication networks
  26. messages that follow
    prescribed channels of communication throughout the organization
    Formal communication
  27. messages flowing from
    superiors to subordinates
    Downward communication
  28. Messages flowing from subordinates
    to superiors
    Upward communication
  29. messages between members of an organization with equal power

    Informal communication
    Horizontal communication
  30. is the process of influencing other peoples attitudes ,
    beliefs , values, or behaviors
  31. What are the 2 general
    types of persuasion
    • Informational
    • Normative
  32. refers to ones willingness
    to accept information’s obtained from another as evidence.
  33. -
    social influences occurs when one conforms to be liked
    or accepted by the members of the group
  34. the tendency to respond favorably or unfavorably to
  35. – something that is accepted as true or false although it
    hasn’t been or cant be proved
  36. a deeply held concept about what is good right and important
    with regard to conduct and existence.
  37. defined as a small movement
    in the direction of the ultimate goal
    Incremental change
  38. - According
    to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, persuasive messages can be processed
    through 2 routes, what are these routes?
    • Central
    • Peripheral
  39. very
    little effort and motivation, this results in the reinforcement of existing
    attitudes, leaving very little, if no room for attitudinal and behavioral
  40. much effort and motivation for elaboration, this results in a careful
    consideration of the new information contained in the message, eventually
    leading to long-term attitudinal and behavioral change
  41. is
    the choice of behaviors that are socially acceptable and favored by a majority
    of group members.
  42. the deterioration of group effectiveness that can result from in-group
  43. 5 Steps for Monroe's Motivation
    • Attention: Need:
    • Satisfaction: Visualization:
    • Action:
  44. Rhetorical
    • Ethos:
    • Credibility:
    • Pathos:
    • Logos:
  45. -people are more
    likely to believe a message when the source is credible
    of a source of determined by two components:
    can be increased by increasing attractiveness
  46. -appeals to
    happiness, hope (Barack Obama's "hope" campaign)
    fear, guilt: to persuade people by scaring them
  47. -logical appeals
    good arguments and solid evidence
  48. -establishing
    credibility; identifying with your audience; showing goodwill
    with audience’s
  49. -catch your
    audience's attention
    -shock your
  50. shows that
    there's a problem with the status quo

    -you want to
    focus on identifying the measurable outcomes that result from your

    -how does the
    problem lead to outcomes in one's physical or emotional well-being,
  51. -provide a
    solution to the problem
    -to reduce the
    aforementioned problems, you should do what?
  52. -showing the
    positive benefits that will result from adopting your solution
    -if you adopt
    this solution you can expect these beneifits

    -show the
    negative consequences that will result if your solution is not
    -if you do not
    adopt this solution you can expect these negative consequences
  53. -tell your
    audience the practical things they need to do to adopt your solution
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com 101 test 3
test 3 com 101