intro 1st

  1. Paradigm
    a way of seeing something
  2. paradigm is compared to...
    a camera lens
  3. The Media Literacy Paradigm is important because....
    it causes you to focus on what you are seeing, it allows you to understand media in a deeper way, and it allows you to think about media critically
  4. The stage of the Media Literacy Paradigm at which you ask yourself questions to determine what you excatly you are studying
    Stage 1: Classify the Product
  5. the stage of the Media Literacy Paradigm at which you ask yourself questions to determine where the product came from
    Stage 2: Examine its Origin
  6. the stage of the Media Literacy Paradigm at which you ask yourself questions about how the product is put together
    Stage 3: Analzye Its Mediation
  7. the stage of the Media Literacy Paradigm at which you ask yourself questions to determine how the product is used
    Stage 4: Investigate its Consumption
  8. the stage of the Media Literacy Paradigm at which you ask yourself questions to determine the effects of the product
    Stage 5: Perceive its Impact
  9. Slug format
    • Name
    • Date
    • Assignment topic
    • Headline
  10. you should underline or italicize the name of the work
    book, movie, magazine or CD title
  11. you should put the title in quotation marks
    for a song, TV show or website
  12. Digital video disc is abbreviated as
  13. Compact disc is abbreviated as
  14. Television is abbreviated as
  15. The proper format for a quote is...
    "Blah blah blah," he said.
  16. When you discuss events in a book, short story or movie, you should use
    literary present tense
  17. Use the pronoun _____ when referring to people
  18. spell out numbers
    below 10
  19. use a ______ to connect 2 independent clauses
    semicolon ;
  20. Dont end sent. with
  21. know how to write times in AP style
    7 a.m.; 8 p.m.;6:15 a.m.; 4:47 p.m.; noon, midnight
  22. AP style for scores
    winning score always comes first then a - then the other score
  23. In AP style the only months that are not abbreviated
    March April May June and July
  24. Never put a _________ with the day of the month
    "th" "st" "rd"
  25. when do you use [] instead of ()
    when you insert clarifying info into a quote
  26. First newspaper published in America
    Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick
  27. "by authority" tag meant
    published with consent of the govt
  28. the right of freedom of the press was established in 1735 with the trial of
    John Peter Zenger
  29. Newspapers printed on 1 side of the sheet only carried current news and announcements and were intended for immediate distribution at low cost were
  30. the new concept in newspapers (where papers were sold cheaply) that featured sensational news was important b/c it caught the fancy of people of all spectrums including politicians was
    Penny Press
  31. "Yellow Journalism" got its name from a
    cartoon character
  32. advances of steam-powered printing presses included
    stereotyped plates, color printing, continuous rolls of newsprint and automated folders
  33. the invention of the Kodak camera in 1888 was an important one because
    it used a flexible roll of dry film
  34. when radio began newspapers _____ radio stations
  35. the longest lived of all American comics was
    The Katzenjammer Kids
  36. the editor of the New York World
    Joseph Pulitzer
  37. the owner of the San Franciso Examiner and bought the New York Journal
    William Randolph Hearst
  38. saved the New York Times from financial ruin
    Adolph Ochs
  39. Prominent New York and Washington portait photographer
    Matthew Brady
  40. in order to get good quotes you must first
    ask good thought-provoking questions
  41. you ____ what [your interviewee] is saying so you can write it down. if you will take the time to ___ you may find that the answer given can lead you into another more interesting direction
    hear, listen
  42. avoid asking yes/no questions by asking
    how and why questions
  43. begin your interview with "easy" questions in order to
    make the interviewee feel at ease & a sense of control
  44. a _______ source is one directly connected to the story topic
  45. a _____ source is one NOT directly connected to the story topic
  46. elements of news
    timeliness, conflict, consequence and proximity
  47. choosing the point of view is called
    choosing an angle
  48. quotes you use at the beginning and ending of your story
    zinger quotes
  49. the purpose of transitions is to
    move smoothly between quotes provide some structure to your story and make your story flow better
  50. a good headline should
    read like a complete sent. using present tense verbs and no articles or conjunctions
  51. lead for a news story should be no longer than
    1 sent.
  52. the verb that should always be used when attributing a quote to a source is
  53. types of leads you should avoid include
    quote/question leads
  54. you should end a news feature or sports story with a
  55. you should use the elements of fiction
    when writing a feature story
  56. the techniques writers use to develop characters
  57. the narrative method used to tell the story. it may be first person third person limited or third person omniscient
    point of view
  58. the time and place of the action of the story
  59. the main idea or message in a work of literature
  60. three major components of ___ include rising action/conflict, climax and falling action/denouement
  61. a lead for a feature or sports story may be up to
    four sent.
  62. when choosing a topic for a feature story you should focus on the
    how and why
  63. when writing a sports story you should also go to practice to
    watch the team in action have a basis for comparison when writing your game story and be able to talk to the players
  64. ______ first black newspaper founded in ___
    Freedom's Journal 1827
  65. ________ published the __________
    Frederick Douglass North Star
  66. ____ newspapers were published between the end of the Civil War and the turn of the century
  67. _____ set the stage for a vociferous type of journalism
    Ida B. Wells
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intro 1st
intro to mm lst 9 weeks study guide