Bib. Studies terms (Exam 2)

  1. Greek conquerer of the ANE
    and parts of Europe and north Africa 336-323 BCE.
    Alexander the Great
  2. – a term
    applied to kings who were consecrated a prophet pouring olive oil on their
    The Anointed
  3. – The Seleucid Greek ruler who persecuted the Jews 175-163 BCE.
    Antiochus Ephiphanes
  4. - literally means
    “uncovering” or “revelation” is literature that envisions the end of the world.
  5. – a rectangular chest plated in gold with 2 cherubim
    on the lid that functioned as the
    symbolic presence of God.
    Ark of the Covenant
  6. – the empire that conquered the northern
    kingdom and exiled thousands in 722 BCE
  7. Canaanite god of rain and fertility.
    Baal or Ba’al
  8. - an ancient nation is what is now southern Iraq.
    - the nation that
    destroyed Jerusalem 586 BCE
    - the nation to which Jews were exiled in the 6th
    century BCE.
  9. – the period between 587
    and 538 when many Jews were deported from their homeland.
    Babylonian exile
  10. – another name for
  11. – the king of Persia who
    conquered Babylon and released the Jews from exile in Babylon.
  12. - God’s promise that David’s descendant’s
    would sit on the throne of Israel forever (2 Sam. 7).
    Davidic Covenant
  13. – Chapters 40-55 in the
    book of Isaiah.
  14. - Scholarly term for the collection of books making up
    a historical narrative of Israel from entrance into Canaan until exile to Babylon - Joshua/Judges/1-2 Samuel/1-2 Kings. [So-called because the historian’s theology is “Deuteronomic”
    i.e. consistent with the theology of the book of Deuteronomy.]
    Deuteronomistic History
  15. The order from the King of Persia permitting exiled Jews to return to Judah.
    Edict of Cyrus
  16. - one of the sons of Joseph
    - the Northern Kingdom, also called Israel
  17. - beliefs about the end or
    fulfillment of time
  18. – a priest ca. 450 BCE who
    is credited with bringing together the Torah and teaching the law.
  19. – someone who is not a Jew,
    one belonging to “the nations”
  20. - the Jewish festival celebrating the
    liberation and rededication of the temple 164 BCE.
    Hannukkah (Chanukkah)
  21. – the dominant culture in the Greek and Roman periods influenced by both Greece and theAncient Near East.
    Hellenism (Hellenistic)
  22. – the royal dynasty that began in 1000 BCE and lasted until 586 BCE.
    House of David
  23. - the capital city of a united Israel, and
    later the capital of the nation of Judah.
  24. - a term derived from the word “Judean” it originally referred to Judean descendants of Israel in the Persian period and all of their descendants until today
  25. – a Jewish freedom fighter who reclaimed the
    Jerusalem temple from the Seleucids in 164 BCE.
    Judas Maccabeus
  26. – the liberation movement of Jews against Greek Seleucid rule in the 100’s BCE.
    Maccabean revolt
  27. - Hebrew word which literally means “anointed one” refers in the O.T. to God’s chosen and anointed king (anointed by God’s spirit and with oil).
  28. - a form of government in which a
    king or queen is the ruler.
  29. - the belief that there is
    only one God, and faith in that God.
  30. – the king of Babylon who destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BCE.
  31. The kingdom made up of the 10 northern tribes. Israel, Ephraim, 922-722 BCE.
    Northern kingdom
  32. - the empire that
    controlled the ancient Near East from 539 until the 330’s BCE.
  33. - the belief in and worship of many gods
  34. - Someone who is believed to receive and
    deliver messages from God to the people or leaders. [The message generally applies to their current
    situation with implications for their future.]
  35. - the capital of the
    Northern Kingdom
  36. - the “Adversary,” in the Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament a member of God’s heavenly court who acts as an adversary or prosecuting attorney towards humanity.
  37. - the period in Judea from 515 BCE until the Roman destruction in 70 CE/AD.
    Second Temple period
  38. - a dynasty of Greeks who
    ruled Syria and Palestine (land of Israel) from 312-142 BCE.
  39. - the realm of the all the dead,
    called “Hades” by the Greeks. Not a place of punishment per se.
  40. – a place of worship, not
    necessarily a building
  41. - the kingdom made up of the tribe ofJudah, 922-587 BCE.
    Southern kingdom
  42. - attempt to understand how an
    all-good, all-powerful God can permit evil and suffering.
  43. – a king or nation that is
    in a relationship of submission to another king or nation
  44. - a poetic name forJerusalem
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Bib. Studies terms (Exam 2)
vocab words for bib studies exam 2